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 people tell me

 -no, tell all of us-

 they tell us things are temporary

 and quite frankly, we're sick of hearing it

 if everything's temporary, why do these feelings stick around?

 and the memories? when do those leave, huh?

 if you know so much

 share the knowledge, because we're all dying to know

 when our car-crash heartbeats will stop smashing in our chests

 over the thought of the last person who took a sledgehammer

 to our cracking windshields

 please tell us exactly when

 we'll start to feel more person and less black hole

 tearing everything within a certain radius to pieces

 and swallowing the shards whole

 because we no longer fear danger

 and i'd like to know,

 if you think you could tell us,

 when our kidnappers will finally set us free

 or at least show us a mirror, for god's sake

 because maybe we'd have half a chance of escaping

 if we knew we were trapped inside ourselves

 and if you can't tell us any of that

 then do just one thing,

 and that's stop trying to make all of this feel temporary

 because it won't

 and you can't make it

 and maybe you're right about everything but no one wants to hear it

 because this long-term temporary holds on

 and it feels like it's never letting go

 long term temporary // k.



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