one hundred one

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ask yourself: if you were given the chance to relive your favorite day with them, or even just your favorite memory, but the day after you'd have to relive all the heartbreak all over again, would you take it? if given the chance to have one more day with them where everything was okay, to be able to say a real goodbye, but you'd have to experience all those emotions at a random time every day of your life, would you take it? if given the chance to have them back forever, but everyone who came into your life after them would hurt you as bad as they did, what would you choose? what if every time you experienced those emotions, they were ten times heavier than when you first felt them? would you still choose that person, even if it meant hurting so deeply you could barely breathe?

how far would you go to get back the one person who hurt you the most? would you break yourself to fix what they destroyed? would you take all of it indefinitely, just to hold them one last time?

if you answered yes to one of the questions, you're not over them. if you answered yes to all of them, you're screwed.

forget me not // k.

a/n: this sucks and im sorry

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