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what do you think about it?

 i think that it's art? i don't know, i just

i think someone should appreciate it

because someone poured their heart and soul into that

but it's in the wrong place

art belongs on a canvas

well, yes but see

i think that's the reason why it's special

it's art

but it's also something more

it's a rebellion of what people think should be done

and art wrapped so tightly into one

that you can't tell where one starts

and the other ends

so if you had the chance to graffiti something

where would it be

and what would it say?


whenever i think of graffiti, i think new york city

maybe that isn't accurate

but that's where my head's at

so that's my ideal

somewhere in new york city

secluded and secret and mine

someplace it would take an adventurer to find

or maybe a wanderer

and what would it say?

see, now that's the hard part

because you can find the right canvas

but what are you going to put on it?

what are you going to do when it all comes down

to the mark that you're going to make on the world?

stop rambling and spit it out already

what would you graffiti?

would it be words? a picture? both or nothing at all?

spill it


definitely words

pictures have never been my strong suit

but writing,

that's the one thing i'm maybe good at

and it would be something that would make you think twice

and something that would haunt you for a while, too

so here's an idea:

i'm naming my next hurricane after you

and i think i'm going to let this one

sweep me away


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