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imagine this- we are are together again. we are sitting outside under the stars once more and nothing else is awake except for whatever just rustled the bushes- but don't worry about that because it doesn't matter anyway- nothing matters as long as we have each other.

the stars are pretending they are not light years away and we are pretending we are not splitting at the seams. the moon is shining like it forgot sunlight even existed, and we turn to each other and almost-smile in a way that feels like a mask pulled too tight around our faces.

we inhale the sky and exhale false hope and and keep our voices close to a whisper. we pull each other close as the wind chills our small frames and pretend that we can't hear it howling around us, twisting into our ears like unanswered questions turned haunting secrets turned screaming uncertainties and shivers run down our spines but we KEEP YOUR HEADS DOWN DON'T LOOK UP DON'T LISTEN TOO CLOSE DON'T THINK DON'T LOOK DON'T THINK and we shut our eyes tight tight tight like maybe if we don't see it, it can't see us THAT'S A LIE AND YOU KNOW IT STOP LYING JUST COME CLOSER IT'LL BE FINE COME CLOSER and we collapse to our knees and cover our ears but everything is drowned out and DON'T YOU DARE EVEN THINK OF TRYING TO RUN AWAY THIS TIME, YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM YOURSELVES

and it stops. and we are on the ground in each others arms listening to the distant wail of an ambulance. we hear the sirens scream SOMETHING BAD IS HAPPENING but we don't even look up

the stars can't hide from this one // k.

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