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look what we created, how we made something so beautiful together and so destructive apart.

think about it, how the world always spun just the tiniest bit faster when we were together- just enough to knock everyone else off balance while we stayed standing.

remember how it all slowed down a bit during the four years i was gone; we tried to keep everything spinning but it was never the same. i wonder if we were the only ones who noticed.

look what you've done- when you first left, everything sped up like it never had before. nothing was balanced and i couldn't stop falling.

look what i've done- after the chaos ended everything slowed to a crawl and it's been like that ever since. i still have the scratches i got from falling and some days they're still sensitive. (i'm lying. i put them there myself.) i'm still struggling to validate what happened and maybe that's why the earth doesn't spin the same anymore- because i won't let it.

look at the mess we've made // k.

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