Chapter 1 The Chased or The Chaser Lara

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Music pulsated along the exposed brick wall of the club as the beat gave off the sensation that the building itself was humming from the music while it influenced the population of the sweaty bodies swaying and gyrated like puppets to the beat, controlling their movements and accelerating pulses causing frantic heartbeats; making those inside pant like dogs in heat as the alcohol stained air was heavy.

The multicolored flashing lights on the dance floor were not bright enough to reach beyond it leaving few area's completely untouched in pure darkness; with the exception of dim over head lighting in booths.

It's very crowded tonight, the weather slightly chilly outside but once the music is thumping in your rib cage and you're on a floor thick with sweat and spilled liqueur; with other grinning humans all bouncing to the same beat, making one want to loose themselves .You'll want to go back for fresh air.

I can feel eyes on me

"You don't look like you belong here." A voice addressed me practically shouting over the music to grab my attention.

Looking up, once my eyes have adjusted to the darkness, my gaze fell upon a petite yet curvy brunette with stunning emerald eyes who continued to approach me. She couldn't have been any taller than 5'4 as the heels on her feet added to her height.She was inching closer to my normal spot as I sat perched in the booth located near the V.I.P section of the club, hidden within the comfort of the shadows. I said nothing to the girl as I held a discouraging glare waiting for her to continue with an explanation. It was clear that she was uncomfortable."I look like you belong in some book store cafe. Not a club." The brunette spoke explaining her previous statement with a stammer.

"Is that so?" I replied with a dull and bored tone giving off the clear notion that I wanted to be left alone so that she would leave as I was uninterested in her presence. She didn't.  In fact she started fidgeting with the fabric of the black dress, my eyes watched the girl waiting to see her next move. If she would give up and walk away or continue this little game of cat and mouse. Inevitable the young woman was soon sliding into the booth, getting a little bit to close to me as she backed me into what could be considered the corner of the semi-circular booth.

"I'm Bliss." She introduced herself whispering into my ear before pulling away and flashing a brilliant bright smile behind her full pouty Angelina Jolie lips.

"Sure you are. Lara." I answered arrogantly brushing the hair off the girls shoulder to her back as my lips hovered dangerously close to her.

"You have...beautiful eyes Lara." Bliss complimented me as her hand held under my chin so that we stared at one another.

Normally I would have laughed at the girls tired out pick up line I constantly heard in a days time; which I will admit that I use every now and then. I wasn't going to complain. Not to be misled but even I admired my own eyes from time to time in mirrors to study and observe how blue they were and would change shades; Especially when I wore my long ravenous hair down, making my eyes almost clear as glass.

"Thank you." I spoke nervously feeling a bit off edge as the small area started to feel warm, as it felt like I could literally feel my confidence draining from me.

A wicked grin presented itself on the girls lips at the slight change in my demeanor as she had me stuck in the corner, knowing that I had no way out unless I was to A. practically give her a lap dance to freedom or B. jump over the table like an uncaged animal. Little did she know what game she has started.

"So Lara; Do you come here a lot?" Bliss asked, her hand residing on my knee while her index finger drew circles around the fabric of my jeans.

"Occasionally." I spoke clearing my throat.

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