Chapter 24.5 Clouds Lara.

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What the hell is wrong with me!

Catalina wanted it tonight you idiot!

Jesus Christ Lara you could have ended and won this bet tonight! Why did you have to open you freaking mouth and push Catalina away!


I totally just screwed everything up!

Why? Just why Lara?

You should have just taken Catalina the hell out of there to some cruddy Motel six or something and just have taken her virginity! Catalina was begging for it! She was begging you to do it and you did the most dumbest thing ever and said no!

Why? Because of honor! Because of respect!

How come Catalina couldn't see that?

Shit, how am I going to make it up?

How am I going to fix this!

I have to do something big, I have to make it something special to prove to Catalina that tonight would have been a mistake.

How though?

Think Lara, think!


That's it!

I know exactly what I could do!

Only question is if Catalina is ever willing to talk to me again orhasn't changed her mind after tonight about me being her first,because I plan on making it special.

I plan it to be a night she will never forget.

Yeah, sorry I know it's really short but I didn't really know what else to added. 

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