Chapter 23 Home Lara.

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I never understood the method of needing to wheelchair someone out of the hospital, although I believe it probably has to do with insurance or something like that, but right now all I wanted to do was get home and see Catalina and discuss what came next; even though part of me detested the fact I knew in my heart it was the right thing.

Everything between Catalina and I advanced so quickly it was practically surreal, even after she made the choice to take things slow, who knows maybe I'm wrong? Maybe Catalina is just testing the waters to see what she's comfortable with between us. Either way I'm still nervous as hell.

As my mother drove me home I barely had time to see or speak to my father for long as we briefly discussed plans for my birthday this coming July. Honestly I had no clue nor thought about it.

Finally coming home I slowly got out of the car as my sides slightly hurt from the healing rib and walking to my room were I was greeted by a very welcoming surprise. My room was filled with an obscene amount of balloons and a pollution of rose petals all tied together with Catalina standing in the middle of the room holding a poster board with 'Welcome Home LarBear' in her cute cursive hand writing.

"Hi baby." She smiled seeming shy as if nervous about my reaction.

I said nothing as no words could express what I was feeling in this moment.  I walked over to Catalina taking her neck into my hands and claimed her lips with my kiss; soft muffled moans escaped from Catalina as I soon felt the safety of her arms wrap around my waist.

"I missed you too." Catalina laughed once we departed from the kiss.

I felt tears swell in my eyes as I just couldn't understand what I had done in life to deserve someone like Catalina, especially  after being such a horrible person to over probably dozen other people in the past two years. I couldn't wrap my mind around everything that has been happening lately.

"What did I do to ever deserve you?" I sighed kissing Catalina again quickly.

"Lara, you're a good person with a good heart; you've just made some bad choices along the way to stay strong and-" I didn't let Catalina finish what she was saying because in my heart I knew I wouldn't be able to do hear it without crying.

"I don't deserve you. Your trust,your loyalty, friendship. None of it Cat." My voice croaked.

"Lara if anyone deserves some good in their life it's you." Catalina added in disagreement wiping the few tears that ran down my cheeks.

Taking a deep breath I wrapped my arms around the petite girls waist as hers clung to my neck; standing in a peaceful and tranquil silence as Catalina's head barely rested on my shoulder even though I could easily kiss the top of her head.

"Lara sweetie I-, oh. Am I interrupting something?" I heard my mother ask from the door way breaking the serene moment.

"No. Just thanking Catalina for the surprise." I answered holding myself from crying.

"It is quite a cute welcome home. Anyways I have to shoot down to the office for a view hours. Will you be okay on your own?" My mother stated from outside the doorway.

"Yeah, I think I can manage sitting on my ass and watching TV. " I laughed.

"Okay and one more thing Lara,this door stays open. Understand?" My mother sternly addressed.

" Yes." I answered knowing that there isn't much Catalina and I could get into with me sporting a broken rib and fractured wrist. Although that didn't necessarily mean Catalina wouldn't try. My mother nodded her head before leaving and it wasn't long til the front door closed as well.

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