Chapter 4 Unexpected Surprises Lara

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My heart thumped in my chest with adrenaline as a nauseated sickness swirled in my stomach each time I took a step closer to Catalina 's home; cursing beneath my breath at my own stupidity for taking Danton's bet; god was my pride and ego that inflated that I am willing to absolutely crush Catalina 's heart? A knot tightened in my stomach as the thought about turning back and telling Danton to shove this bet up his ass passed through my mind multiple times.

Before I could raise my fist to knock on the door it was swung open and I was greeted by Catalina's mother, it wasn't hard to see were Catalina got her strong Latina feature's. "Oh mi doi. Little Lara August!! Come here, oh I haven't seen you in ages mija. How are you? Hows your mother?" Mrs. Evans enthusiastically spoke pulling me in for a hug planting kisses to my cheeks.

"Hi Mrs.Evan. I'm good, mom is good thank you." I spoke a bit out of comfort.

"Aye good good. We haven't seen you in years. Look at you, how beautiful you've become. No doubt you've broken a few hearts."

"A few" I answered with an unsettling chuckle in my words.

"Oh how rude please come in. I was on my way to work." Mrs. Evens spoke.

"Well I don't want to hold you up, I stopped by to give Cat back her shirt.I was here the other night and ah...she spilled a drink on me."I spoke laughing a bit at the memory.

"Oh so you did stop by! Good; I had toldCatalina to invite you but she was so sure you wouldn't come over."

"Yeah,a friend of mine actually told me about it. So thought I wouldcrash." I spoke automatically regretting my choice of words.

"Well I'm glad you did and I'm sure Catalina was thrilled too. I know it's not my place to say but it really upset Catalina that you had to leave." Mrs. Evans spoke seeming hesitant with her choice of words when bringing up the subject. I was a bit thrown back at the notion that my absence at West Metro would have effect Catalina in anyway since we weren't really close.

"Really?" I asked with furrowed brows.

"Si,I remember she cried for about three days before she told us what happened." I could hear the heart break in Mrs. Evans words and a sudden pain resonated in my chest. Suddenly I felt like a dick for yelling at her the other night about us not being friends because part of Catalina believed that we could have been and still believes we can be friends.

"WellI got to be going love. Please make yourself at home, Catalina is inher room and feel free to help yourself to anything. Mi casa suicasa." Mrs. Evans spoke throwing on her blazer kissing my cheeksonce more before running out the front door. I sighed looking up thestair while debating the notion to leave the shirt on the couch orsomewhere it would be seen and book it.

It wasn't to late.

Sadly even though it's what my head wanted to do but my heart wasn't complying to it's command, working on it's own accord.

Jogging up the stairs hoping for this to be a in and out situation I heard the muffled notes of music coming from behind the closed door to Catalina 's room, that I had been forced behind not that long ago.

Reaching for the door knob turning it open myeyes landed on a sight I would have never fathomed. My throat wentdry at what my eyes were taking in as I stood in the doorway withwhat I'm sure was slack jaw.

There was a muffled vibrational hum that was being blocked by the music as Catalina lay above the sheets with her knees propped up slightly parted, her tan back arched sporting a few droplets of sweat cascading her form, her hand moving slowly up and down from her black panties that I craved to take off with my teeth when what felt like a cannonball dropped heavily from my chest to my stomach as I felt a rush of wetness invade my boy shorts

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