Chapter 24 Clouds Catalina.

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I don't know why, but whenever I'm around Lara, I can't think straight she clouds my judgment and I can't focus on anything else than her hands on my body, her lips on mine, it's all so euphoric and makes every inch of me tingle with excitement; especially yesterday. God I can't believe I did that. I feel so ashamed and dirty yet oddly liberated and confident.

Who knows what would have happened if Luka didn't walk in, although now I don't know how I'll be able to manage eye contact with the young man after he had seen more of me then I would have liked but thank god for his off timing because I don't think I would have found my right mind, I was so lost in the moment and entranced by Lara's skill that with the simplest of looks or touch makes me go weak and forget everything, driving me into this animal like instinct.

I know Lara said she would have stop and constantly ask consent but was she telling me the truth or what I wanted to hear because I was upset with myself? Would Lara wait? If so for how long though? The chemistry between us is something I have never felt before towards anyone else; its like Lara is a drug that I can't quit as I give into it time and time again for that special high she gives me.

I was making myself mad with trying to figure out the rubric cube that was the fundamentals of Lara and mines relationship as I can never seem to get two and two to match. After leaving Lara's yesterday when everything cooled down and we just lounged in Lara's bed room and just watched reruns of old TV shows I had called Elizabeth and Shannon to help me sort through the contradictions running through my brain. Victoria was spending time with her family and sent her apologies to not being able to make it.

"What should I do?" I asked the blonde and brunette that sat across from me once I had filled them in about the date, the kiss; Lara coming home and everything else.

"I wanna say do what your heart is telling you but that seems to be the issue." Shannon spoke seeming just at loss as I am.

"But you know that you want to;you know. Take that advanced step in the relationship?"Elizabeth questioned more than stated.

"Oh Jesus Jiminy Christ Liz,don't be so fundamental just say it. Sex! Are you sure you want to have sex with Lara?" Shannon blurted out the obscenities.

"God Shan keep your voice down.My parents are still home." I said through gritted teeth.

"Speaking of which doesn't your mom have that gallery thing at the museum soon?" Elizabeth asked changing the subject.

"Yeah. Tomorrow, You girls are still coming right?" I asked.

"Definitely. Gives me an excuse to wear my prom dress again." Shannon commented.


"Of course. What about Lara?"Elizabeth asked about the raven haired girls presence.

"She's in a way my date." I answered shyly.

"Then we got to make you bang-able." Shannon spoke shifting on the bed getting up to go through my closet.

"What are you looking for?"I asked nervously

"I know its in here somewhere. Yes!" Shannon muttered to herself before pulling out the sexy black sleeveless cocktail dress with a slit along the stomach.

"Shannon I can't wear that."I stated knowing her intention.

"Why not? Its a cocktail party,this is a cocktail dress. I see no issue." The blonde answered laying the dress on the bed, "Straighten your hair into a highpony, light make up. Hell I'd screw you." Shannon continued.

"You're crazy." I stated.

"How? I'm trying to get one of my best friends laid by the one person in this god for sakened city who actually gets you wet." Shannon replied.

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