Chapter 28 Discovery Catalina

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Standing in the shower as the warm water caresses my skin, it reminds me of Lara's soft intimated touches. Last night was simply perfect and magical, the experience was purely emotional and caring, Lara was so gently and careful; I felt no pain or regret. I don't feel extremely different though physically; okay maybe a bit sore and wobbly in the knees and not to mentioned tired; up until last night I would have thought the term 'all night long' was a metaphor for most not an actual tempted goal.

Other than I felt content.

Getting out of the shower and wrapping the towel around my body I thought if putting clothes on was pointless. A slight knock came from the other side of the door and smirk come on my lips before dropping the towel on the floor purposely before opening the door and greeting Lara.

"If you changed your mind about joining you're a bit late. I just got out." I smiled with one hand on the door and the other on my naked hip as the water dripped off me.

"Pity. I was wondering if I could sneak in and brush my teeth." Lara pouted

"Hm, that's it huh? " I questioned lancing my arms around Lara's neck and pressing into her clothed body.

"Well I'm open to suggestions if you have any." Lara winked

"Nah, your breath reeks." I laughed kissing her cheek.

"Hmph. Yeah want to know what it taste like? You." Lara smirked.

"To much information thanks."I laughed patting the girls shoulder and stepping aside before walking towards the bedroom to get dressed throwing on a peach dress,black platforms and fixing my hair before returning back to the kitchen.

Lara was still held up, geez who took oral hygiene that seriously that they brush their teeth for five minute's? Shrugging off the question I ran the warm water from the sink figuring that since Lara has been nothing but amazing it wouldn't kill me to help with clean up and do a few dishes since she had already picked up in the living room. After finishing the dishes Lara had appeared from out of the bathroom after clearly taking a shower as she ran a towel through her wet hair and wearing only a rope.

"You didn't have to help."She smiled kissing my cheek.

"You're welcome." I simply stated smiling and kissing her lips quickly playing with the thick string of the robe that kept it closed.

"I'm going to get dressed."Lara stated pulling out of the kiss.

"Anyway I can persuade you not to?" I whispered feeling the completely addicted to Lara's skin on mine.

"Maybe later babe" Lara answered kissing my forehead before disappearing into the bedroom.

Taking a deep breath my eyes roamed around the collection of pictures of Lara and her family, memories of the past captured within frames, preserving the stories that would forever live on. Staring at the little bright blue eyed cutie could melt the heart of anyone, images of a distant future dance in my head of singing sweet lullabies and cradling a mini Lara in my arms with an overwhelming sensation of pure joy and contentment washes over me as I could clearly see a future with Lara and having kids, sharing the picture perfect future she had once described to me.

Settling down from the day dream I heard the buzzing of Lara's cell phone on the counter; it was a text from Danton. Unconsciously my eyes skimmed over the words of the message, causing my heart to drop.


Yo, what the hell is this shit! You aren't bitching out of this bet. Either you're going to fuck Catalina and take her virginity or gives me the car!

It was the worst emotional pain I have been through in my life, by far. Having to feel my heart breaking is like someone ripping my heart straight out of my chest and then squeezing it and throwing it around, stepping on it before tearing it apart with dull fingernails. The pain becoming overwhelming that I want scream and cry at the hurt that is happening everywhere;everything hurts as I started feeling physically sick wanting to vomit.

This was a game!

I was nothing but another knot inLara's belt she could brag about to her friends?

I gave Lara everything!

My heart!

My body!

A fire raged within me as part of me snapped with anger,storming to the back of the cabin I swung the door open startling Lara who jumped at the banging door.

"Babe what's wrong?" Lara asked seeming worried. All I wanted to do was claw her eyes out with my hands, but instead I grabbed my bag and stormed out of the cabin."Cat...Catalina, where are you going!" She called out.


"What are you going to do walk!"Lara replied marching towards me.

"Don't touch me! You lying deceitful two faced piece of shit!" I spat furiously at the blue eyed girl seeming hurt and I just wanted to smack her.

"What are you talking about?"Lara yelled.

"Don't play dumb with me Lara! You're to dumb to play dumb. You know what I'm talking about!" I yelled as my voice cracking as I tried not to cry.

"Kitten just talk to me. What are you-"

"The bet! To take my virginity or give him the car. Really! I mean so little to you as a person let alone your girlfriend you pretended to care about me so you wouldn't lose your car! God, you're such a bitch and what's worse I'm more pissed with myself because I thought you were different. I thought you were better than the fuckgirl you pretend to be but clearly I was to blinded by affection to see your true colors!" I ranted feeling my cheeks burn as my body shook in anger.

Lara's mouth hung open, "Catalina let me explain." Lara begged.

"Oh please do!"

"I called it off! Several times because I knew it was wrong the second I agreed! I let my ego get to me. I didn't want to be with you under those circumstances. Catalina you got to believe me." Lara begged tears swelling.

"Why? Why should I believe you!"I cried.

"Because I'm in love with you!"


Oh snappppp....Catalina knows!!!! Maybe that's were Lara went that day after the diner and the other night after the situation at the gallery; she'd been going to Danton to call off this bet becase LARA'S IN LOVE!!!!! 

So how many of you called it?

Let me know. 

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