Chapter 31 New beginning Lara

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Hey Cat you up?

Catalina open the door!

What in gods name are you doing?

Are you playing with yourself again?

I bet you are...

You naughty girl...

Rub that sweet little bud and think of me babe and tell me that-

Halfway through my text and constant bell ringing the front door flew open startling me before I could send that last message when Catalina stood before me with an annoyed expression through sleepy eyes and an untamable mess of hair; she wore a large black T-shirt leaving the mystery if she had pants on underneath. Was she seriously still sleeping?

"Are you just waking up? Cat its 10:15, we had plans remember?" I snipped a bit annoyed at her tardiness.

Catalina said nothing, rolling her eyes and pulling me into the house by the collar of my shirt and marching up the stairs to Catalina's bedroom. Forcefully shutting the door behind us Catalina pushed me onto her bed. I felt myself stiffen when she crawled in next to me, pulling the covers over us as she laid her head on my chest. The sound of her soft,heavy breathing snoring filling what little space between us Catalina lay limp on my chest and her arm tucked under me.

Soon my body relax a bit as I combed my fingers through the small girls messy hair gently untangling the knots before I slowly felt myself  starting to drift off to sleep; my eyes lids feeling heavy and breathing slowly, inhaling the scent of the honey and lemon shampoo Catalina uses.

Coming to my body jolted awake at the lack of warmth that was provided from Catalina's resting figure. Sitting up and looking around the room,double checking my surroundings I rubbed my eyes. My sight came to the bedside clock, 11:30!

What the hell ? how did I doze off for that long? Sitting up at attention I heard the click of the door handle before it slowly opened with a towel sporting and wet haired Catalina; she smiled brightly at me causing pounding in my chest.

"Morning."I spoke clearing my throat.

"Hey. Sorry to have put us behind, I was exhausted." Catalina apologetic explained for the unexplained nap time.

"No problem. Yesterday was a tiring." I forgave since I wasn't going to complain about getting the privilege to curl up in bed with Catalina; actually I think I preferred it.

"How was work?" Catalina asked walking over to to dresser.

"Slow.Then I had to deal with Emily and RayRay fighting; and of course Danton's antics." I explained remembering the headache of yesterday.

"Are Ray and Emily a thing?" Catalina asked mostly likely confused about the other twos relationship status.

"They're a soap opera is what they are." I laughed not really wanting to get into detail.

"I see. Now if I may can I get dressed?" Catalina asked.

"Sure; don't mind me." I answered laying back across the warm mattress.

"Lara."Catalina sighed her eyes pointing to the direction of the door hinting for me to leave.

"Really? Cat if there's something I haven't seen before I'll toss a dollar at it." I stated not really wanting to move from the comfortable position before Catalina turned her sexy, strong slender back towards me as she rummaged through her draws.

"Because I can't trust you not to peek. Put it on."" She stated tossing a sleeping mask at me.

"How do you know I won't just lift it up?" I smirked at the idea of a sexy punishment played in my thoughts.

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