Chapter 37. Confrontation Catalina

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It felt weird sitting in the bleachers for once and not on the field cheering; observing instead of participating, being the reason the crowd roars now being part of it feels like a whole new experience; like an alternate universe.

"Strange huh? Like a different universe." Lara chimed in as we took our seats once again somehow knowing what I was thinking.


"Being up here instead of down there." Lara hinted once again reading my mind.

"Defiantly. I feel so out of sync." I admitted sitting down next to Lara.

"If it makes you feel better,maybe later you can put your old uniform on and do a little cheer for me." Lara whispered resting her hand on my thigh and kissing my neck.

"Only if you promise to behave."I rebutted trying not to moan.

"Baby, I don' make promises I can't keep." Lara laughed still kissing my neck.

"Lara, there's people." I cautioned.

"So? There were people in the theater too; that didn't stop us." Lara explained as her kiss went lower down my neck to were it tickled.

"Baby. Stop that tickles." I giggled pushing Lara a bit to stop, but she was relentless and wouldn't give. Soon I surrendered and brought her lips to mine,unable to control the smile that formed on my lips.

"Get a room." Proclaimed an annoyed disguised voice that was like nails on a chalk board.

"Jennifer." I hissed pissed at the interruption.

"No one came here to watch you two make out." Jennifer snarled.

"Then leave." I bit back at the red head.

"I paid my money just like everyone else to be here to enjoy a game. I'm not leaving"Jennifer replied.

"Fine, then take notes." I grinned turning my head sideways to reclaim Lara's mouth, running my tongue along her bottom lip before purposely letting a loud moan loiter in the air as Lara's tongue explored my mouth as I held her cheek in my palm. Our tongues dancing together sweetly as I swallowed the pooling saliva that emanates from the kiss; my eyes glaring to the side taking in Jennifer's repulsed facial features. Deepening the kiss with a passion as I slide onto Lara's lap smoothly and wrap my arms around her neck; moaning once again as Lara's hand squeezed my thigh causing me to gasp. Finally I heard the defeated and annoyed scoff from Jennifer as I watched from my proverbial view get up and leave, her two Goonies Bliss and Christine following behind.

"Well, that was something."I heard Lara clear her throat once our kiss stopped.

"Too much?" I asked blushing.

"Never." Lara smiled kissing my cheek as I returned to my actually seat when her parents joined us shortly.

"Sorry." I apologized.

"Don't be, She beast had it coming."Lara laughed as I rest my head on her shoulder. The atmosphere is quite unlike anything you would have experienced watching at home,there are no replays; it's blink-and-miss action. This is something I always remembered cheering, it was intense. It's surreal and that's kind of experience you'd want to have; the crowd going wild when Luka ran a touchdown,jeering when he was knocked down by an opposing defender. The score was 14-12 with our team in the lead as we entered half time as I excused myself to use the restroom three slushies later; curse the pea size bladder I was given.

"You think you're some kind of hot shit don't you?" I heard Jennifer's voice enter the ladies room once I had finished.

"What are you talking about Jen?"I asked rolling my eyes.

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