Chapter 17 Change of plans Lara

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Black clouds sprawl across the sky,The air grows heavy and the humidity presses down, its practically suffocating as the scent of rain is dark and heady while stillness falls over the street. Soon silence approached until comes a low crackle of thunder, followed by a streak of hot silver splits the sky, and the downpour begins.

The sky became dark and low with ominous black clouds and the wind picked up, howling, crying,warning, baying like a wolf into the night. The first crack of lightening rent the air and within seconds the rolling boom of the thunder reverberated overhead when I heard the frantic sound of my door bell ringing. Who the hell could this be? Opening the door I was startled to see Catalina somehow bone try at my door step.

"Guess beach day is canceled?"She smiled somehow lighting up the darken surroundings.

"Yeah." I answered still surprised.

"Can I come in? It's kinda cold."Catalina asked.

"Hey Cat, about last night and those text-"

"Lara don't worry about it. It was fun." Catalina stopped me and kissing my cheek.

"Ah, okay." I answered a bit confused.

"So since the beach is clearly out what's the game plan?" Catalina asked bringing a quick change of subject.

"Well huh, I was going to vegetate in the den and watch movies. If that's cool." I stated.

"Awesome. Well packed food for the beach but guess movies and snacks is a great second." Catalina added.

"Ah, what you got in the cooler little girl." I laughed in a fake intimating voice curious what the purpose of the little white and blue cooler.

"Some Peruvian sweetness; besides me." Catalina's giggled as she walked into the kitchen placing the container on the counter, " I made Brigadeiro which is condensed milk mixed with powder chocolate powder and then slowly warmed into a thick sticky paste and rolled in butter to shape into a ball then covered in chocolate sprinkles."Catalina continued explaining.

"Hmm chocolate, love them all ready.What else?" I asked feeling a sweet tooth raging in the back of mymouth as it watered. For more than one reason.

"Bolinho de Chuva; which is prettybasic its just fried balls of dough covered with sugar and cinnamon."

"I actually know what those are!I use to get them all the time at the Portuguese festival when it comes around. I love these things." I exclaimed excitingly hesitantly reaching for one til Catalina nodded her head, "Oh my god, these are so good. Mm, I think I'm in love Cat." I spoke almost causing myself to choke on my words as I noticed a slight blush on Catalina's cheeks.

" Come on dork. Let's get this movie marathon going."Catalina took initiative to rid this moment, taking the small cooler with her to the den as  I grabbed to glasses of milk and followed behind.

"So what are we watching?"Catalina asked settling into the large black leather sectional, her back leaning against the arm rest and her shoes off.

"A classic. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1974." I answered as the credits were paused to one of my favorite horror movies.

"I'm not of a horror person.What's it about?" Catalina asked sitting closer to me.

"Um, Two siblings visit their grandfather's grave in Texas along with three of their friends and are attacked by a family of cannibalistic psychopaths" I answered feeling my body warm as Catalina sat closer.

"Fascinating." She lent closer. What was Catalina doing? What in gods name is going on? Am I dreaming? I have to be, there's no other explanation to what on gods green earth is happening.

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