Chapter 31.5 New Beginnings Catalina

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Why does this keep happening?

What was it about Lara that always made me loose control? What black magic or potion was I under that made me submissive to Lara's touch. She stole my breath away with just a smile and when she actually touched me it was even worse. 

Walking back to rejoin my friends I had tried keeping a straight face so that I wouldn't draw any questions from their lips; I had triple checked my make up and clothing appearing to be 'put together' before leaving the bathroom. Lara had dispatched to another part of the mall as she was receiving an incoming call from her father, I had silently cursed the timing under my breath since I now had to go through this alone.

"You two totally just hook up in the bathrooms didn't you?" Victoria greeted before I even had a chance to say anything.

"What? No we didn't!" I lied trying to play cool as I felt my cheeks starting to warm at the fear of being found out.

"Bullshit. You're completely glowing." Shannon protested reading past the lie.

"That's called highlighter sweetie." I answered trying to shut down the conversation.

"Come on Cat, you can't lie to us. We know you two did it." Elizabeth chimed in shrugging her shoulders.

"You've all lost your minds."I scoffed rolling my eyes.

"For Christ shakes we heard you! Oh daddy, oh god more, please!" Victoria announced translating my plead.

"Oh god baby I need your kiss somewhere else." Shannon moaned mocking me placing her hands on her chest as the other ran in her hair.

"Little eavesdropping bitches! I hate you!" I said throwing whatever I could at them as my cheeks blushed.

"Hey it was Liz's idea!" Victoria cast blame on the blue eyes brunette to her left.

"Elizabeth!" I screamed.

"In all fairness you weren't that discrete." Elizabeth replied flinching when my attention turned to her.

"Oh my god." I hide my face in my hands wanting to disappear.

"Where is your tongue talented 'friend' at the moment." Shannon asked leaning in.

"Shut up: she had to take a call.Why you going to torment her too?" I asked still hiding the side profile of my face still in horror as I'm sure it was flushed from embarrassment of being found out about mine and Lara's bathroom moment.

"Torment who?" I heard Lara ask causing me to jump in my seat and heart race even faster than it already is.

"You." Victoria wiggled her brows.

"What about me?" She smiled.

"They wanted to know where you went." I intervened before anyone said anything else.

"Totally" Shannon said calling bullshit.

"I had to take a call then I got this." Lara stated pulling down the collar of her shirt revealing a cursive thick black inked C just under her collarbone, slightly above her heart; I felt my cheeks flush of color.

"Bad ass."


"Commitments goals"

"Oh my god Lara you didn't!"I scowled slapping her shoulder in horror at the cute but completely stupid declaration of the tattoo.

"No, its fake actually. I just wanted to see how you would react." Lara confessed wetting a napkin and rubbing the sharpie made letter from her body.

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