Chapter 22 Over Night Stay. Lara

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My head felt like a jackhammer was going off at the base of my skull causing pressure in my head making me feel foggy as the scent of sterilization and disinfectant brought the feelings of sickness,helplessness, confusion, fear, uncertainty, and anxiety running through my senses like a flash flood, I'm at the hospital. What happened?

Why can't I feel my left hand? Trying to order my arm to move there's as harp shooting pain causing me to whelp and another sharp stabbing pain in my side. Did I break a rib? Slowly coming too my eyes opened and my vision was blurry and blinded by the bright overhead light.

"Lara?"A disembodied voice called out my name.

"Lara sweetie. Can you hear us?" A deeper voice called.

"Lara,baby it's me. Catalina." I heard a third voice call.

"Cat?"I groaned unable to shake off the fog.

"Yes Lara, its me. I'm right here baby." The frightened Latina answered as I felt the warmth of her hand on my own.

" I dead?" I asked looking at her with a notable confused expression.

"What?No baby of course not. Why would you say that?" Catalina questioned.

"Because I swear I'm looking at an Angel." I smiled brightening the grim expression that plagued the sweet girls face.

"You're an idiot Lara August. You know that?" Catalina laughed, wiping a small tear running down her face.

"But I'm your idiot." I smiled back getting a closer look of her eyes as she kissed me slowly.

"Lara.How are you feeling?" I heard the deeper voice asked causing me to be in a moment of shock.

"Dad?What are you doing here?" I blinked believing that I had to be dreaming.

"Your mom called me. Honey do you know what happened?" My father asked.

"Mom?Where is mom?" I asked skipping over the question asked.

"Talking to the police and doctors." My father spoke.

"My parents are here too Lara. We were all worried about you?"Catalina chimed in rubbing my knuckles along her cheek, the skin felt cold beneath my warm hand.

"Oh thank god she's awake. Lara baby how are you feeling?" My mother cried gently hugging me.

"Confused.What happened?" I asked looking around the room.

"You were in a car accident sweetie." My father spoke.

"Huh?"I stated before the sound of the door handle clicked and both a doctor and police offer stepped into the room.

"Well look whose up. Miss. August I'm Doctor Natasha Andrews. Can you tell me how you're feeling?" The burgundy haired female asked.

"Ah,slightly disoriented, sick; ouch. In pain" I answered shifting slightly causing what felt like a bullet go through me as I made room for Catalina who curled by my side.

"Well you do have a slight concussion which is the cause of the sick ,nauseous feeling you may experience and you maybe disoriented by the pain medication. You have slight fracture in your left wrist and two broken ribs." Doctor Andrews explained pulling out the X-ray at of my CatScan and wrist.

"Lara,if you don't mind I have a few questions for you." Spoke an oddly round shaped fellow with a old school mustache.

"I'll try."

"Okay.Can you tell us what you remember?" The portly office asked pulling out a tap recorder.

"Um,Catalina and I, we...we were at the beach. No leaving the beach and I just glanced over to; well to put it frankly admire her because, hell I can I not and then...and then nothing." I answered glancing down at the small girl laid up besides me toying with the hem of my shirt. The officer simply nodded before thanking me for my cooperation in leaving the room.

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