Chapter 33. Steady Catalina

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This feeling inside is so strange; it stretches throughout my whole body; its overwhelming but makes me feel complete and just absolutely amazing. It feels as though someone's given me peace as my heart dances around my chest and that a hole I was never aware of that had been filled as if something was missing. It's strange; frightening even that someone can go from being a complete stranger to being a complete infatuation, making you wonder how you were able to live without them; because I sure as hell couldn't imagine being without Lara now.

I know we're young, and most people would consider it foolish and naive, but it's true when I say that I'm in love with Lara; I keep falling in love with her and each time is harder than the last. every time the feeling gets deeper. Lara never leaves my mind, she' constantly there; mentally if not physically. She's all my mind can focus on, her face, her voice, gentle touch and kisses. Even now as I have the dark haired goddess tangled in my limps cuddled against my chest I feel my love for her growing stronger and I sure as hell wasn't going to let anyone or anything get in the way of that.

"We have to do something about your staring problem." The sleepy voiced angel groaned out.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm just admiring this masterful art work in my arms." I cooed smoothing out a few hairs that clung to her cheek.

"Hmph, smooth." Lara laughed stretching herself out and taking away her warmth that wrapped around my body like a pillow.

"Good Morning." I smiled tempted to kiss those pouty full lips again but held back.

"Great morning." Lara sat up kissing my cheek causing the skin there to warm,"So what would you like to do today?" Lara asked rolling onto her back and sitting up.

"This, just stay in bed, watching a few movies and cuddle?" I stated not really wanting to face the outside world today after yesterday's run in with my former ex cheer captain.

"Sounds perfect but first do you have an extra toothbrush? I got dragon breath." Lara asked.

"Bottom left draw in the main bathroom." I answered pointing towards the door and figuratively down the hall.


"Anything else? Pants, my lips, a shirt?" I asked shrugging.

"Hm, all tempting. Especially the lips suggestion." Lara replied capturing the flesh of her lower lip between her beautiful even teeth.

"Well, the offer always stands."I flirted sitting up on my knees as a smirk came across Lara's delicious lips. Her thumb gently messaging over my warm cheek before placing another kiss on the skin just at the crook of my lips. "Tease." I groaned.

"That's me." She answered before walking out of my room.

Sitting in the silence of my room as Lara tended to her oral care down the hall I hopped out of bed and figured I should at least brush my hair as I caught a glimpse's of the mess of locks in the mirror before tiptoeing downstairs I raided the DVD stand for a few select features.

"So, early morning or late night?" I heard my father's voice ask.

"Bit of both." I answered honestly since I couldn't really get much sleep last night.

"Company keep you up?" My father laughed winking.

"Ew dad, no. Nothing like that happened last night trust me." I answered a bit grossed out at my father's assumption.

"I do, and I trust Lara. She's a lovely girl Catalina." My father approved.

"We're just going slow, not rushing into anything again." I spoke biting my tongue at the slip.

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