Chapter 30 Clean Slate Catalina.

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For the two weeks I was gone I was in nothing but tears after I had found out about Lara's bet with Danton,leaving me heartbroken and destroyed. I remember when I had called the girls both Victoria and Shannon were just about out for blood before Elizabeth calmed them; then I just ran away, I shut myself away ignoring Lara's attempts to contact me. I thought it would be the answer to the pain of betrayal but it wasn't.

I knew that I would have to confront Lara. Now that I had returned home I was still in tears as I believed that seeing Lara would fix everything;but when I saw Lara with that girl I grew jealous even if I wouldn't admit it Lara knew.

My intentions last night were to try and fix things between us but all that anger and pain came back and I couldn't forgive Lara for it, even after everything she had confessed to me brought back the feelings I had been neglecting and lying to myself about;I did love her, I do love Lara and I hate it, I hate how I'm so addicted to Lara and her touch and her kiss, her eyes and voice, everything! Every single thing that Lara was made of drew me in like a moth to a flame, and I would gladly allow myself to burn in that fire.

It was too late though, Lara was leaving and it was all my fault because I believed running away wast he solution to our problem when it wasn't and so now Lara was doing the same. What happened last night shouldn't have taken place but it did, Lara and I shouldn't have fought, let alone hooked up but emotions got the best of me and once again the influence of Lara let alone my desire for her clouded my judgment and with two weeks away from her kiss and touch drove me mad that my body begged for it, especially during our dance.

I've been sitting in my car for probably over an hour now debating to go to Lara's and apologize.That's even if she wants to see me. Taking a deep breath I knew I had to put on my big girl pants and face the consequences of whatever happens next, I just hope luck is on my side.

Finally finding some inner strength I pulled into Lara's drive way, my entire body shaking in nervous anticipation as I didn't know what to expect as I walked along the beautifully landscaped pathway of the dark green three bedroom home with white trim. My heart raced in my chest as I rang the doorbell as part of my subconscious was telling me to run; that this was a huge mistake, it would bring nothing but more pain for both of us.

Backing away slowly it was too late,the door had opened and there before me stood the object of my desire, mattered hair and groggy eyed as she must of just woken up. My eyes going to the area of Lara's bite-able neck sporting a few dark purplish hickies, a sudden warmth of pride washed over me.

"H-Hey." I spoke nervously waiting for the door to slam.

"God, this is a nightmare."Lara greeted in return.

"Okay, I deserve that after last night." I admitted to my shame as Lara said nothing vocally but the roll of her eyes spoke volumes.

"You know in order to stay away from someone you need to physically stay far, far away." Lara advised crossing her arms in a authoritative way.

"I know. I just wanted to apologize. You were right about everything Lara and I don't know, I didn't mean for what happened last night to accrue; by that I mean the fighting." I confessed looking down and playing with my fingers,unable to look at the sleepy eyed girl.

"Okay, apology excepted or whatever?" Lara sighed a bit annoyed taking me by surprise.

"W...what?" I stuttered.


"That's it? Just forgive and forget." I asked knowing I shouldn't be looking a gift horse in the mouth bit yet here I stand prying it open.

"Yeah. No point in arguing, now bye." Lara answered starting to shut the door before I stepped forward and palmed at the door.

"Excuse me?" I asked somewhat offended.

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