Chapter 8 Vibes Catalina

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My nerves rattled under my skin as the days passed and RayRay's party was tonight, but that isn't what has me on edge.

Two days have past; a complete 48 hours and I haven't heard a thing from Lara since our brief conversation from the outside of her  window. Had she changed her mind on driving me to the party or was she playing me from the beginning.

Sigh,Breath Catalina alright. It's only 8:45. Still time left, plenty of time so stop stressing out and worrying and do something like actually getting dressed. I thought to myself as I stood in my room once again staring into my closest in my yellow bathrobe.

Why does it seem like my day always comes to this?

It's a simple house party; you have been to parties, you have thrown parties yet somehow this was different. I mean sure a party is a party.

I stared over the two outfit I had propped onto my bedding that I could not choose from, one a black skirt with a sleeveless powder blue shirt and the second a gray and blue plaid skirt with a red short sleeve with a sweet heart V cut out with a wrap around choker.

Ugh!At times I hated being a girl during a crisis like this, boys have it so easy. They can role straight out of bed without a care in the word and BOOM dressed.

Grabbing my cell I texted the one person who could help me; Victoria.

Taking a picture of me in both I sent them to my fashion savvy friend.Eagerly waiting for a response I glanced out my window when I dull light caught my attention; It was coming from Lara's room; suddenly the phone pinged with a notification turning my attention away from the window.

Victoria; What's the occasion?

The text read causing a sweat to run along my brow; I wasn't going to lie as I typed the response.

Catalina; Party w/ Lara...

Myfingers twitched as I waited for a reply.

Victoria; Excusez-moi?Is this a DATE!!!

Catalina; No.She's only my ride.

Victoria; I bet she is

I rolled my eyes at how deep in the gutter Victoria's mind was,although it was humorous at times it isn't now wasn't the time.

Catalina; Vickie!!!I'm serious! Help!

Victoria; Fine...mix them. Black skirt &red top.

Catalina; THANK YOU!!! Love you. You're magical. ❤

Victoria; go get that Lara Love. You need it.

Catalina; I take it back I hate you.

Victoria; Lair!Good luck.

Tossing the device onto my mattress I slowly got undressed when my cell went off again as I stood in just the under garments I had under my robe. My heart jumped in my chest at the name lit up on my screen. Lara was calling me.

"Hello?"I answered, my voice practically shaking.

"Hey.I'll swing by in five. Okay?" Lara spoke in a dull sullen voice.

"Okay.Just getting dressed now." I replied feeling stupid that Lara didn't need to know that I wasn't even ready.

"Why?You look better in what you're not wearing." Lara chuckled as I could easily picture that cocky half smirk on her face.

Cold Hearted AugustOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz