Rise of the Ancients [Part 3]

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Previously on 'Rise of the Ancients'

'We need to tell Laurence we found two of the pendants.......'


Travis' POV

I wrote a letter to Laurence. It's stated:

'Dear Laurence

Two of the pendants have appeared in Phoenix drop. Dante and I shall wait for your appearance. But you are the only one who have touched Garroth's sword. He trusts you will his heart. Dante and I need your help to get his pendant. We will be waiting at the docks around nightfall for your arrival.


{Time skip to a bit before nightfall}

I have been waiting for Laurence's arrival when Zane was walking around and noticed Dante and I was around the docks.

"What are you guys doing at the docks?" He asked us and we just looked at each other.

"Laurence is coming today. And since he's Garroth friend. We thought why not leave him oblivious and surprise him." I make up a lie as quickly as possible. I don't know if he will believe me though.

"Although it sounds suspicious I'm impressed with your lie. Now...Why are YOU and your friend here? Let me guess, to wait for this supposed Laurence to steal out pendant? Even if you do you will never find the last one. You have no chance against us you demons. (Except Dante is not a demon Laurence is a shadow night)" Zane said yelling.

"Zane what are you talking about?" I say trying to sound like I don't know what he is talking about.

"Stop lying Travis! I saw it earlier when you caught me!" He said not believing me.

"Come on...we were childhood friends. How could you not trust me? Friend?" I continue stalling. My hand is on my back. Signaling Dante to run toward the Irene statue since Laurence will be passing that before reaching the docks and Dante can stop him before getting here.

Dante nods and sighs and walks off. Just then Zane mumbles some words I have never heard before. I blink my eyes and look around me. Everything has stopped completely. I was amazed at his power.

"W-what are you going to do!" I yell letting an unintended stutter come out.

"It should have affected you too......." He answers...

"Well...why DIDN'T it affect me?" I ask annoyance clearly showing in my voice.

"I-I don't know." He says a bit quiet but loud enough for me to hear.

Zane's POV

'No...no, no, no, no, no, no! This can't be..NO!! I don't love Travis. But if I don't then why is my ring glowing in his presence. It won't allow me to stop him like the rest of the time.'

I return time to its original self and try going after Dante since he's a bit shaken and is confused.

"DANTE! Go!" Travis yells while trying to stop me from running.

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