Mine {Part 5}

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Travis flutters his eyes open, feeling the warmth of his soon to be lover. His arm was around Zane's waist while he laid on his back and Zane's head on his chest. He turned his head to look at Zane. His mask was off and his hair was laid out messily on Travis' chest. He looked very peaceful, at least more than he would when he was awake. Travis sighed and turned around to face Zane. However, Zane started to whimper. Travis noticed this and frowned. He started to whisper sweet nothing into his ear calming him down while rubbing soothing circles on his back, calming Zane down. Once Zane was calm, Travis tried grabbing his phone. Key word, 'tried', because he moved his position and his phone was behind him, he could reach for it but he would wake Zane up in the process. Travis grumbled before hugging Zane tightly, feeling tired again. He closed his eyes letting sleep take over him.

~ 2 hours later ~

Travis jolts awake. Tears stung at the corners of his eyes as he looked around for Zane. When Zane was no where to be found he started to panic. He jumped out of bed and ran around the house looking for Zane. Zane's phone was there so he should have been in the house, right?

Travis ran everywhere looking for Zane. The bathroom, guest room, Dante's room, kitchen, living room, basement and even the attic. He was no where. Travis ran to the front door where he saw Zane's shoes. That's when Travis ran to the backyard. No where. Travis ran back to his room and grabbed his phone. He dialed Vylad's number knowing that Zane lived with him.

"H-hello?" A shaky voice answered through the phone.


"Travis? W-what's u-up?" Vylad asked.

"Is zane there with you?"

"What are you talking about?" Vylad said quietly.

"What do you mean? Where's Zane? He's not here. All his things are though."

"Travis..he...he died one week ago. W-we just attended his f-funeral two days ago." Vylad cried.

Travis dropped his phone before letting his tears flow down his cheeks.

"Oh Irene! Why doesn't his always happen to me!"


Travis jolts up, breathing heavily. He looks to his right to find Zane asleep. Tears fall down his tan cheeks, staining his green sheets. He covers his eyes before silently sobbing. Zane opened his eye before sitting up and hearing Travis' quiet sobs.

"Travis? W-what's wrong?" Zane asks.

Travis doesn't answer, instead he hold onto Zane's waist while cuddling to Zane's stomach. It calmed him. It reminded him of when his mother used to calm him when he was crying. Zane was surprised but he rubbed Travis' back.
Sighing he looks at Travis with sadness evident.

After a while Travis finally calmed down.

"You were dead.." Travis said.

Zane was confused.


"In my dream...you were dead. I called Vylad and he said that you died." Travis explained.

"Wow..um..I never knew you cared about me enough to cry.."

"Of course! I love you Zane!" Travis exclaimed, sitting up and looking Zane in the eye.

Zane blushed but didn't allow it to show, looking away and pouting.
Travis grabbed his chin gently and moved his head to look at him before placing a gentle kiss on his nose.

Zanvis , Vylante , Garrance StoriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang