Funny thing that happened after the stories

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A/N the guardian angel chapters will come out when I get back to America! Sorry. But in the mean time I'm going to work on the one shots book for my gay ships. I take requests!!! Sorry! Also for this chapter. I'm going to update it after I finish "guardian angel" because I want to write it for the three... Anyway! Enjoy!!

Rise of the Ancients~


Travis wakes Zane up sometimes at the middle of the night and Zane punches him out of self defense.


Zane makes cupcakes but stopped when he dropped them on the floor. Like the whole thing. He had tears in the corner of his eyes and had a small funeral for them. He considered himself clumsy after that...


Travis and Zane pranked Zane's brothers saying they got married without inviting them and Garroth and Vylad literally picked them up and started digging their graves.


When Travis and Zane first drank a beer both there it out but Travis continued drinking getting himself drunk and left at the bar alone:). Yes Zane left him because he was like 'I ain't dealing with dis shizzz!!!!!'


When Zane first cried Travis picked him up and ran all the way to Garroth's house saying "who is this man!!!" Garroth ended up replying with a "Zane my baby brother.." Travis shook his head saying "MY ZANE DOESNT CRYYYY!!!" Zane would cry more feeling hurt.. And Travis would run away yelling "I'm coming to find you Zane and I'll kill whoever took the real you!!!"


Travis made Zane play princess and the guard. Zane was the princess and when Travis said "I'll save you princess!" Zane jumped out of he tower landing on Travis saying "yea you did! You softened my blow! I'm fine. Can't say the same for you."


Zane literally left the house and slept in the woods when Travis came home drunk.

My story~


Sheryl woke up and went down the stairs. Vylad said "go clean up!!" Dante watched as Vylad yelled at Sheryl for not cleaning herself up before coming downstairs and even going down without a shirt only a bra. She yelled back saying "you not my mom!" Dante laughed and said "technically he is but he prefers dad" Dante then fake coughed saying mom and coughed again. Vylad looked at him angrily. Both Sheryl and Dante ended up sleeping in the clean and beautiful basement Vylad took a long time cleaning.


When Zane was giving birth Vylad was the one who helped and instructed Zane. Travis watched and Dante laughed at Vylad after he finished. Vylad laughed along slapping Dante after.

"What!!" Dante whined

"THEIR ARE MALE NURSES TOO!! Believe it!!" Vylad yelled back.


Dante and Vylad would cuddle if Vylad worked really hard and didn't get enough sleep and Vylad is really tired. Vylad would fall asleep on Dante and would suddenly wake himself up screaming something along the lines of "I have to do laundry/ I have to cook dinner!/ I didn't wash the dishes!" And Dante would get angry because Vylad would leave doing the chores.


Dante went out once and came back late. Vylad fell asleep on the couch waiting for him. Dante felt his heart beat and went up to him. In stead of bringing him up he shook him screaming "THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!!" Vylad wakes up and starts getting the kids. Noticing that Dante just pranked him he tells Dante to sleep in the guest room

Guardian angel~


Sometimes when Garroth goes to sleep he prays to Irene that the kids don't cry at night and wake Laurence and him up.


Laurence hates Garroth giving the kids a lot of attention and sometimes does it to him but Garroth doesn't really care and thinks Laurence wants his space which hurts his heart more.


Laurence would sometimes make jokes about Garroth's birth procedure and would always make the same mistake of saying "I wish we had a girl" making Garroth sad and apologize for not having a girl and running to the kids room locking himself in.


Garroth hits Laurence with pillows in his sleep.


Laurence pretends to be asleep and huts Garroth awake to take care of the crying kids.

Zanvis , Vylante , Garrance StoriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon