Cutest things Garrence, Vylante, and Zanvis do together {2}

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Garroth goes to bed first because Laurence always has to do something. Never able to sleep Garroth gets up and goes to Laurence. Laurence would pick Garroth up bridal style while he does his work and he would kiss his forehead and Garroth would fall asleep with his head in his chest. Laurence would carry Garroth to bed putting him down and getting in himself, turning Garroth around to face him kissing him another time falling asleep while holding Garroth close to him.


Travis is a....weird sleeper. (Yea lets say that) he rolls around a lot and sometimes get in weird positions but only for an hour. Zane is always awake because Travis is really loud with the movements of blankets. Zane turns to face Travis and Travis is almost on the floor. Although Zane is smaller than Travis the training Garroth made him do got him a bit stronger. He picks Travis up (more like push him back on the bed) and puts him back in bed before getting in himself. Travis hugs Zane's waist and nuzzles his face in Zane's stomach. Zane having the higher advantage plays with his hair and before falling asleep putting his hands on his neck.


Vylad's hands are on Dante's chest while nuzzling his face in his neck. Dante rests his head on Vylad's while his arms are around him back almost touching his butt. Before falling asleep he kissed Vylad's forehead and whispers 'I love you....sweet pea.....'

How they wake up


Laurence waked up finding nothing in his arms. The cold air bombarding him. Getting up finding Garroth in the kitchen making breakfast hugging him from behind and kissing his neck.

"Let's cuddle love~" Laurence would say to Garroth making him giggle.


Travis wakes up to a sweet scent. He looks up to see a cute Zane asleep. He pulls himself away from Zane's grip and kisses Zane. Of course when you sleep you still breath so Zane is out of breath and wakes up. Zane is usually cranky because he wakes up at like 1 pm and Travis wakes up at 9:30 am. Travis makes it up to him with kisses and love. They eat breakfast and watch tv.


Dante wakes up to Vylad humming a tune. Vylad, of course, not wanting to wake him up feels bad and makes him a special breakfast (most of the time not always if this didn't happen they would eat cereal and go out on a date). Dante comes in a wrapped his arms around Vylad's waist and puts on some music. They start dancing and end up making a mess. They both end up cleaning the kitchen until lunch time.

Who's seme (top) and who is Uke (bottom) in this book. (When having smut)


Seme- Laurence

Uke- Garroth

(I prefer this but the other way around is fine too)


Seme- Travis

Uke- Zane


Seme- Dante

Uke- Vylad

How they had their first kiss


Garroth takes Laurence out on a date and at the end in the moonlight where the stars are shining down on them. Garroth leans in a kisses Laurence pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. (This is if they don't take the plays kiss as a first kiss.)


Travis one day cant hold back and runs to Zane's house where he knocks on the door and once he sees Zane he pins him on the door after closing it and kissing him roughly. Later on as the kiss gets deeper and Zane kisses back its more gentle and will make you get a nose bleed.


Vylad and Dante just met but it was love at first sight. When Dante was helping Vylad move in he accidentally kissed Vylad tripping on the rug. Later on that day he confessed and Vylad accepted. They had their real first kiss but second to if you want to count that accidental kiss.


This chapter was an extra for making you guys wait for so long.

Zanvis , Vylante , Garrance StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now