Mine {Part 4}

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Laurence's POV

After Garroth finished showering he came back out in his oversized pajamas that he said was extremely comfortable and cooling. He was still wiping his wet hair after the shower which made my face heat up at the extremely adorable sight. I tried to compose myself but I'm pretty sure I failed. I took a few deep breaths before patting the seat on the couch next to me and motioning him to come.
He obeyed and sat down next to me.

"So. Can you tell me why now?" I asked in a quiet voice.

"Yea." He said looking away.

"When I was younger my dad had been telling me that I would grow up to be successful like him and take over his place in our company. It stayed with me until I went to middle. Don't get me wrong my dad was extremely nice to me but not so much with Vylad. I don't know what he did but I know I tried to help. It broke my spirit and motivation knowing that my baby brother was getting hurt. I stopped doing well in school and got dropped out of honors. My dad was infuriated so he took his anger out on Vylad. Vylad was so afraid that he muffled a scream and cried every night. Upon hearing it I grew afraid too. After I realized that I was only causing more trouble for Vylad I started trying again but I was depressed. I had no friends because everyone saw me as a typical rich kid who was spoiled. When I went into high school I started to slack off more. At one point my grades went down and some guy found out. That's when the bullying started. I was lucky that you came in when it died down or we would have never met. I was however extremely cautious of you. Not only were you new but many kids didn't like me even if I was 'popular'. I was sure they told you about me and got you in on their plan to get rid of me. After freshmen year we got closer and I started to open up to you. I told you everything but the bad things. I was always happy with you but once I got home I realized that I shouldn't be happy. My brother was at home getting hurt and broken while I was out with you for half the day smiling, laughing, having the best time of my life. I was so angry with myself..that I..I started to hurting myself. I started cutting. If I couldn't do anything to help Vylad I would hurt with him. Every word my dad told Vylad felt like he was telling me. I didn't want Vylad to feel alone so I tried to reach out to him. I told him that I was feeling the same way when I wasn't. I stopped cutting in collage when my parents found out. My parents got mad at me and lectured me. My depression got worse and it got to the point where I thought that if I was just kind and caring with Vylad it may take some of the pain away. That was exactly what I did. I smiled at him, told jokes, had fun. I got so used to it that I started to do that with almost everyone. When Vylad finally moved out with Zane. I was so overprotective with my brothers that it kinda became a habit. Even if I knew they were safe I needed to protect them to feel safe and happy myself. I guess..I was just so afraid of my dad when I was younger that it permanently broke my spirit and happiness I had to fake it or else I thought I would drive my first real friends away." Garroth explained.

I felt bad..really really bad. I put an arm around his shoulders and my other around his waist. I comforted him. Even if he wasn't crying I knew that he needed comforting especially after feeling so broken for all these years.

"Wanna go to sleep?" I asked smiling at him.

He nodded in reply and with that I carried him to my room and laid him on my bed, putting the blanket over him before taking my shirt off and putting on my pajama pants and getting in with him putting an arm around him waist while spooning him. He seemed to fall asleep almost immediately and I was sure that he was sleeping because of the soft snores. It was adorable really. I leaned my forehead against his neck letting sleep take over my body.

~ Next Morning ~

I open my eyes due to the morning sun shining on my eyes. I turn around while rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes. Sitting up I realized that Garroth wasn't there anymore.

"Garroth!" I called out.

There was no response and I started to panic a bit but I tried calling again before getting no response and jumping out of bed. I didn't even bother with the clothes and just ran down the stairs before smelling pancakes.

'Maybe he got kidnapped while cooking!...or worse! He could have cut off a finger..or even worse! He could have cut a strand of his hair!'

I ran into the kitchen finding Garroth there making pancakes. I let out a sigh of relief catching Garroth's attention.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Oh it's nothing. I was just overthinking things."

He giggled at my response and responded with an 'okay'. I went to sit down at the table watching him make breakfast.

"Do you want anything to drink? Milk? Coffee? Milk tea? Tea?" I asked him getting out of my seat and going to the cabinets next to him.

"No I'm good but I would like you to get dressed." Garroth said putting the last pancake on the plate.

I rolled my eyes before planting a kiss on his cheek. His cheeks burned a bright red that traveled to his neck and I could tell he was failing at keeping his composure.

"Your adorable." I allowed my arms to wrap around his waist and laid my chin on his shoulder. His blush vanished and he looked at me with a sweet but menacing smile.

I was confused for a while until it hit me.

"I'm not getting breakfast until I'm dressed am I?" I said.

"Yup. And if you don't you won't get syrup with it so it'll taste bland." He said putting salted butter in the middle of the hot pancakes and put syrup on one plate.

"Tick tock." He said.

I groaned and walked up the stairs to my room and putting on the first shirt I saw. I went back down the stairs and saw him eating at the table while reading a book.

"Nerd." I whispered.

"Excuse me for being smarter than you?" He said.

"Not true." I retorted grabbing my plate of pancakes and pouring syrup on them.

He giggled and put the book down on the table next to his half finished plate. He put his elbow on the table and rested his head on his hand. I looked at him confusingly before a smile formed on my lips.

He was staring into my eyes and smiling the smile that melted my heart. His soft gaze was staring at my baby blue ones and mine at his. The sight was really beautiful. A adorable man sitting in front of me smiling as staring into my eyes. I broke the gaze by chucking and standing up. He broke out of his trance and started blushing. I guess he didn't realize that he was staring at me. I walked toward him and giving him a passionate kiss. It tasted sweet..probably because of the syrup. I picked him up and went to the living room sitting down on our soft couch him on my legs. I wrapped my arms around his waist while he cupped my face with his. He pulled away panting and resting is head on my shoulder. I myself was gasping for air. He moved himself into a more comfortable position and laid his head on my chest.

"What about the pancakes?"

"We will finish it after cuddle time." I said laying my head on his.

I intertwined our hands and my free hand was kept on his waist.

"So what do you wanna do today?"

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