Rise of the Ancients [Part 4]

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Previously on 'Rise of the Ancients'

'Zane or Laurence'


Travis' POV

The question "Zane or Laurence" kept popping up in my head. I couldn't hear anything. Until I heard heavy breathing.

"Please Travis" The voice said softly.

I come back from my thoughts and Zane breaths heavily before he falls. I run over to him catching him before he falls to the ground. I look at him and he looks at me.

"Pl.....ease" His voice shaking and his breath threatening to stop. I take hold of his hand rising to touch my cheek and I realize at that moment that....

'I have fallen in love with Zane Ro'Meave....'

I quickly take his right hand and slide the ring back on. Garroth guides me to the guard tower and I lay him down on a bed.

"I-I'm sorry Garroth. I didn't know this was going tot happen..." I say sitting next to The bed Zane was on.

"It's fine. You don't know about our pendant." Garroth says and I nod at that statement.

'I was taught about the pendants. They can kill. They are evil. I wanted to be the hero the word wanted. But my master didn't tell me I would kill the person with the pendant.'

I put my hand on Zane's cheek and Garroth leaves after sighing.

-30 minutes later-

Zane's POV

I wake up breathing heavily. I see that it's still dark out. I look around to get an idea of where I might be. I see Travis sleeping next to my bed. His head was on my stomach. I smile and sit up a little. Slouching a little so I don't move his head. I play with his hair and he groans a little.

'I can't lie. Even though I know his intentions...I can't help but love him. My feeling will only grow stronger.'

My ring glows and I just notice that my ring is on my finger as if it was never taken off. And Travis stayed with me when even Garroth didn't. That made me smile and I lay my hand on his cheek. My ring glowed brighter and I was confused as to why it kept glowing. The glow started getting brighter and brighter until I noticed it was bothering Travis and I hid it under the blanket. I waited until my ring stopped flowing and went back to sleep.

-In the morning-

Travis' POV

I woke up to a sweet scent. It wanting to loose the scent I stayed just like I was when I woke up. I felt something move and my head shot up. Zane's fluttered open and the next second he was glaring daggers at me.

"G-good morning?" I say breaking the silence.

"M-morning" He stutters sitting up in bed.

I look down regretting everything I did last night in the woods. I was lost in my thoughts when I felt a pair of soft hand touch my cheek. I looked up at a smiling Zane. I feel my cheeks heat up and I hug Zane. My arms around his wait and my face nears his hips. I can feel his gaze looking down at me. I feel him pat my head and my grip tightens. His breathing is calm and his scent is making me sleepy. I hold him close until I hear footsteps on the stairs. I quickly let Zane go and sit up my blush visible. I see Laurence and Dante walking in with Garroth following behind. Garroth looked behind him and Zane got up. He ran towards Garroth when a figure was visible. Zane hugged the figure and Garroth smiled.

Zanvis , Vylante , Garrance StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now