Guardian Angel < Part 3 >

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Credit to the owner of the art~ (Please read A/N at the end its pretty important)

Garroth's POV

I woke up to the sound of Laurence's voice echoing in my room. The covers were pulled off me as the cold air hit my body. I instantly sat up as I heard a chuckle. Laurence was at the end of my bed smirking as he dropped my covers on the ground.

"What.." I whined.

"I made breakfast yesterday and today is your turn!" He said as he exited my room.

I sighed getting up pulling my covers back on my bed. I quickly pulled on a pair of jeans and any short I found in my closet. I walked outside and down the stairs finding Laurence sitting on the couch on his phone.

"Hey Garroth!" He said happily turning my way.

Angrily I ignored him and went into the kitchen making pancake batter. After making the pancakes instead of calling for him I texted him. I sat down grabbing my plate and eating it. Soon he came and sat in front of me.

"Soo..." He started.

I continued to ignore him.

"What's up?" He asked.

He looked up at me smiling while his phone went off with thousands of texts.

"Why are you ignoring me?" He asked.

"Well you shouldn't have pulled my blanket off and left it on the floor for me to fix!" I said.

"Someone is petty..." He chuckled.

I felt my face heat up and looked down playing with my pancake. I quickly finished it when Laurence sighed and put my plate in the sink.

"Call me when your done eating...I'm going out" I said.

He nodded his head and I headed out. I looked up at the sky seeing the beautiful sun. The day was truly beautiful. I walked toward the park when I heard footsteps behind me.

"I know Kung fu!!" I turned around.

I saw Vylad and Zane with shock on their faces and giggled at how they looked.
They reminded me of my younger brothers. I missed them so much. I miss my parents too even if they did leave me..

"S-sorry.." I apologized feeling the anger inside be fade.

Vylad smiled at me while Zane nodded his head once crossing his arms. I count inured to walk to the park as they followed.
I didn't mind actually I wanted company. I would feel lonely other wise. As we entered the park we immediately went toward the swings. I sat in the middle as they sat beside me.

"Hey Garroth...tell us about your past.." Zane started.

"Zane! Isn't it too early to ask!" Vylad raised his voice.

I giggle between them two.

"You both remind me of my brothers.." I said..

"Really? What were they like?" Vylad asked.

" youngest brother...he would draw..he would take many photos if he had a phone or anything with a camera.." I giggled.

"And...and the second youngest...he was...well he was distant..he didn't really like me after I accidentally threw a snowball at his eye by accident...he kinda went blind...I tried to apologize but he would just tell me to go away..we were never that close." I said.

My smile faded as I remembered my past with my brothers.

"How about your parents?" Zane asked.

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