Mine {Part 2}

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Travis' POV

I watch as Garroth and Laurence walk out of the house after saying their goodbyes. I was going to return to go looking for Zane before giving up.

"Hey aph where's Zane?" I asked walking up to her finding no use since he probably didn't even come.

"I think he said that he was going to go to my room for a rest. The noise was giving him a bad headache." She says. I nod and walk up the stairs to her shared room with Aaron and walk in. Zane was on the bed asleep twisting and turning whimpering a bit.

Travis frowned at the sight. He walked toward the bed sitting down next to Zane. He started with playing with his hair like a couple would at night before going to bed all cuddled up. Zane shot up in bed startling Travis. Zane moved his hair and mask out of the way so he could breath better. He looked at his arm before rolling his sleeves down.

"Zane what's wrong?" Travis asked quietly startling the shorter.

Zane turned around after pulling his mask back on and putting his hair back in place. He glared at Travis.

"What do you want?" Zane growled.

"I just wanted to know what was wrong." Travis said.

"Nothing!" Zane said.

Travis sighed and leaned back in bed. Zane looked at him confused from what Travis was doing.

"Your tired right?" Travis asked.

"Maybe." Zane muttered.

"Come here." Travis said opening his arms to Zane.

"N-no!" Zane stuttered looking at the taller male.

Travis pulled Zane toward him making Zane feel uncomfortable. He tried to get out but he felt a bit weak after he just woke up from a nightmare. After a while he stopped trying. Travis took this chance to unwrap his arms to a more comfortable position. He placed Zane in between his legs and let Zane rest his head on his chest. He places one arm on Zane's back and the other on Zane's lower back. No matter how much Zane claimed to hate it he grew tired and closed his eye. After a few moments he fell asleep and Travis sighed.

Later that night Zane gripped onto Travis' green hoodie tightly and started to hyperventilate. Travis noticed and didn't know what to do. He started to shake Zane trying to wake him up but to no prevail. He laid Zane on his back before deciding to do CPR. I mean what could go wrong right. When you hyperventilate your not getting enough air and CPR are for people who aren't getting enough air. Travis pushed Zane's chest down a few times before pulling his mask down and placing his cherry lips on Zane's peachy pink ones. Instead of blowing air like he would have for CPR he kissed Zane. Zane woke up feeling more calm than usual after having "the dream". Oblivious to what's happening he looks around before finally noticing Travis. He pushed Travis away making Travis furrow his eyebrows sadly. Zane blushed furiously processing what happened. Travis smiled at the sight of Zane blushing. He pushed Zane down softly before placing gentle kisses on Zane's cheek, lips, jaw, and neck.

Travis' POV

I pulled away letting Zane sit up.

"Zane let's go. It's getting late and I'm pretty sure you want to go home.." I said looking at Zane.

Zane didn't reply before nodding. I got off of Zane completely before picking him up in my arms and carrying him downstairs where only a few people were spotted. We left without saying goodbye and just went back home. Sooner or later we arrived at my shared house with Dante and went in. At first I found it weird that he wasn't home because I didn't see him at the party when I was leaving and he was definitely there since we came together. I then came to the conclusion that he was probably asleep or was in the bathroom. Either way I didn't care. I carried Zane to my room before closing and locking the door.

"Zane stay the night?" I asked.

"No! I have to make sure Vylad's okay." He said.

"I'm sure Dante will take good care of him." I said before Zane calmed down.

'What am I saying! I don't even know where he is!'

"Fine. I'll stay." Zane said.

I smiled before continuing from where we last left off. I smashed my lips onto his feeling a bit impatient.

~ Next morning ~

Travis' POV

I woke up with a slight headache from the beer last night. I turned around in my bed in hopes that Zane was still here. In my luck he was and I snuck my arms around his waist spooning him making him stir and turn around. His mask was off and his hair was out of the way. He wasn't naked so that was a good sign that we didn't do 'it' the night before. I started to play with his hair before he fluttered his eyes open making me blush. I stared into those beautiful blue eyes of his that can send chills down your spine. One however was glassy which made it lighter than the other. He may have been blind in that eye but it was still breathtaking. He stared at me before snuggling into my chest. Smiling I allowed him and held him closer.

"So can you tell me about your dream at Aphmau's party?" I asked.

I can feel him tense before nodding his head.

"After high school I became extremely depressed and started to doubt myself. I would criticize myself like everyone else did and because of that it created a voice that tormented me everywhere. It drove me crazy but I couldn't help but think that maybe I deserved it so I let it happen and it drove me crazy."

'How does this answer my question?'

"Later on I started harming myself by cutting. It made the voice hurt me more making me want to commit suicide. And soon I started getting dreams where it would take the form of my body and hurt me. At first it was just a dream but soon everything it did to me in my dream happened to appear on my body when I wake up. I've tried to leave my depressed state but nothing really helped. But last night..after coming back with you I had no fears and no doubts. I fell asleep with no worries and actually slept pretty peacefully." He explained.

"Thanks for telling me." I thanked.

He nodded before holding me tighter.

'That explains why he would sometimes have bruises on his face. I want to protect him. Maybe..just maybe..I can help him...'

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