Guardian Angel < Part 9 >

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Garroth giggled as he looked at Laurence. He was still holding onto Garroth's waist and would refuse to let go. Garroth sighed and tried to make breakfast with Laurence clinging onto him.

Garroth's POV

I continued making eggs and bacon as Laurence sighed into the back of my neck. I felt a shiver go down my back as I felt the warm air suddenly hit me.

"If you won't give me your attention then I'll take it." He said.

I rolled my eyes and just continued when I felt a warm wet substance on my neck. Laurence's tongue was on my neck and he was slowly getting closer to my sweet spot.
When he got to it he started to nibble and suck and I let out a soft moan. Laurence seemed satisfied and looked at me.

"Now will you give me attention?" He asked.

I turned off the fire and turned around connecting our lips quickly. I pushed Laurence back to the closest chair and sat him down while getting on his lap and sitting there. His hands still gripped onto my waist and my arms snaked around his neck. He deepened the kiss and pulled me closer executing any space left between us. We pulled away and I noticed that my hand was in his hair. Laurence chuckled and looked at me. He had a sweet smile on his face.

"Hello!!! Anyone home?" I heard a yell from the door.

I blinked a few times and quickly got off of Laurence and started straightening out my clothes. I opened the door to find Aphmau.

"Hey alright your face is quite red." She said.
I shook my head and allowed her in.
"So what is it that you came for?" I asked her in a sweet tone.

She looked at me and smiled.
"We are going on a vacation!!! Aaron got tickets for us to go visit China!" She exclaimed

I got really excited since I have always wanted to go there. I got really jumpy and I started to jump.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yup and one of friend is actually from China!" She exclaimed again.

"Oh who is it Katelyn, Kawaii~chan? Kim? Nicole? Lucinda? Kiki-" I kept going but Aphmau stopped me.

"No no one has met her, except Zane they were like best of friends, but she has unique features that she was either born with or something bad happened to her." Aphmau said.

I shrugged and Laurence came over.

"When will she be here?" I asked.

"Tomorrow she just came back from her trip to Japan and she's exhausted but she said she was excited to go back to her home country." Aphmau said.

I nodded my head and excitedly jumped.

"When do we leave?" I asked.

"Um, tomorrow." Aphmau said.

I quickly ran to my room and started to pack.

"Hope you pack cool clothing because I heard from my friend it's really hot!" Aphmau yelled.

I nodded my head, not like she could see, and continued to pack.

-next day-

Laurence's POV

Everyone was at my house. Like everyone. Travis, Zane, Dante, Vylad, Aphmau, Aaron, Katelyn and Kawaii chan. We were waiting for a friend of Aphmau's and waited until we heard the bell ring. I got up and off the couch and opened the door. There stood a girl with ash grey wavy hair with pastel purple tips and up to her chest (image at the top), she looked at me and I noticed her eyes were different. Like legit different. Her right eye was a icy blue while her left eye was a light pink. Her lips were a light shade of glossy pink and she wore a off the shoulder white cropped top and dark grey jeans. Her shoes were black old school vans and she wore a dark red beanie on her head. She was quite pale like Zane but a bit darker she didn't have freckles but a light pink hue on her cheeks.

"Why are you wearing so much make up and who are you?" I asked.

"Well that's a pretty rude first question but I'm not wearing any make up and I'm Stella. Stella phantom." I said.

My eyes widened and looked at her.

"Damn I love your books. I'm sorry for how rude I was." I said.

She giggled and walked in when I allowed her too.

"Zane!!" She squealed immediately running to hug him.

He hugged back (surprisingly) and Travis pulled her away going to Zane's side wrapping his arms around Zane's waist making Zane blush. Stella looked shocked but it was quickly replaced with a huge grin. He took her phone out a took a picture of them laughing mischievously while looking at the photos. Zane angrily tried to grab her phone but failed.

"Come on star!" He angrily yelled.

"Star?" Travis asked.

"It's our nickname. I call him cupcake or zuzu and I call Aphmau aph or party animal." Stella explained.

Travis frowned and looked at Zane.

"How come I don't get any nicknames?" He said.

"B-because..." Zane stuttered.

"Oh you do. A lot actually. There's snowflake, snowball, Jack Frost, Elsa, dandelion, etc. but mostly dandelion and snowflake." Stella and aph said alternating.

Zane's blush darkened and he got out of Travis'  grip walking away toward the wall and avoiding Travis for a few minutes to calm down.

"So what's the plan?" Stella said.

"Oh we are going to have a sleep over at Garroth's house!!" Aph excitedly screamed.

Laurence looked angry but I was fine with it. Stella just squealed and jumped up and down.

"Also I hope you don't mind aph but when we are at china my boyfriend will be hanging out with us." Stella said calming herself down.

Aphmau just smiles and nods her head and I could see that Laurence is calming down.
He walks over to me a puts his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. I smile and look up at him although I think my face is a blazing red. I could see that Vylad was squealing and Dante was trying to calm him down. To be honest I'm glad I found my family. Of course if I didn't I still have Laurence...
Just thinking of Laurence gets be happy. I don't know what would have happened if I never met him. He saved me from what I feared most. Loneliness. You may think that's weird but I hate being alone. Just thinking that I will never be happy. Always sad. Bottled up emotions. Wishing I could just leave. Wondering why no one loves me. Laurence could have just left me there that day but he didn't. And I am forever grateful for that. I would do anything for him. Guardian angel or not I know that night when he saved me it was him. He isn't just my guardian angel.

He's also my life.

Hey guys. Sorry for the late chapter. I have been busy and I kinda had writers block. But I'm good now. Again I'm super sorry. I hope you enjoyed. I'll be posting a bit later but I'll try to get it out within two weeks. One week is th earliest and two weeks is the latest

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