Cutest things Garrence, Vylante, and Zanvis do together {4}

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*~How they comfort each other:~*


Garroth- When Laurence is sad or upset he would usually grab some ice cream in a bowl and feed it to him. Comforting him with sweet words like..
"I'll always be there for you.."

When Laurence is angry Garroth would sit or stand next to him and Laurence would just pull Garroth into a tight hug. If Laurence was standing he would move to the couch and lay down to cuddle with Garroth until they fall asleep.

Laurence- If Garroth was sad or upset Laurence with pull Garroth to his legs and kiss his neck and pulling away to whisper comforting words into his ear until Garroth calmed down because he was crying or he was a bit happier from his bad mood.

If Garroth was angry Laurence wouldn't do anything because if he knew Garroth he also knew not to mess with him. He would give Garroth his space until he calmed down and would walk into a very messy room if Garroth was there.


Zane- If Travis was sad or upset Zane would try and I mean TRY to comfort him. Although his attempts always fails it always bring Travis joy to know how much Zane cares for him and keeps trying to make him happy.

When Travis is angry and would slap him and tell him to snap out of it. If it was serious Zane would say to suck it up and pat his back.

Travis- If Zane was sad or upset Travis would lay out a blanket and soft pillow on the couch knowing they would sleep their that night and watch MLH until they sleep.

If Zane was angry Travis would shower Zane with kisses and rub circled in his back trying to calm him down.


Vylad- If Dante was sad or upset Vylad would act happier around Dante to make Dante happier. Like he would be very jumpy and jump onto Dante's lap and wrap his arms around his neck kissing him. That usually makes Dante happy.

If Dante was angry Vylad would let Dante do what he wants which was usually listen to music with Vylad and hugging him from behind.

Dante- if Vylad was upset or sad Dante would tell Vylad to tell him who made him sad and say he was going to kill them which makes Vylad even more sad and then Dante just hugs Vylad and hold him close whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

Vylad doesn't get angry often but if he does Dante get Vylad his favorite food which is chocolate cake and they eat it together.

*~ Favorite feature of their significant other~*


Garroth loves Laurence's eyes. He can stare into them all day.

Laurence loved Garroth's hair. Even if Garroth used to mess with his hair until it's perfect and still does it feels like heaven when he runs his hand through it. It's so silky and soft.


Zane loves Travis' personality he thinks it's cute the way he acts he also finds it interesting  how fast his mood could change.

Travis' loves Zane's freckles he liked to kiss each and everyone of the and finds it cute how they are scattered over the bridge of his nose and a bit to his cheek bones.


Vylad loves Dante's personality. He fell in love with it and he fells like Dante's personality made Dante well Dante! He thinks Dante is cute when he's jealous and hyper or just plain happy.

Dante loves Vylads eyes he can get lost in those thing for a billion years and not mind one bit.
Hey guys! Next chapter of  'Guardian angel' will be out soon. Sorry for the long wait. I've been really stressed and tired so I didn't have time to write. Please forgive me and I'll see you next week! I hope you enjoyed!

Zanvis , Vylante , Garrance StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now