Guardian Angel < Part 8 >

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Thank you for asking @Pikapi23 sorry for posting this pretty late...

1 question is my favorite ship..

Honestly I love Garrence, Zanvis and vylante all the same but I'm going to have to say Zanvis because I was in love with that one for soo long.

2. I have always loved Vylante!

3rd POV

Laurence carried Garroth home as Garroth had fell asleep. He was shaking in his arms and his grip on Laurence's shirt was tight. Garroth nails dug into his own palms and created some blood to come out. Laurence hated the sight of this and was worried that this experience might have traumatized his poor love.they walked into the house and Laurence put Garroth down on the nearest soft cushion that happened to be the couch. He laid Garroth down and placed a kiss on his forehead but Garroth refused to loosen his grip. He started shaking more and his grip tightened if that was possible. Laurence held onto Garroth's hands trying to loosen them by running circles behind his hand and his back but to no prevail. He soon gave up and got onto the couch with him. Laurence them remembered that they had no blanket and Garroth was in only a T-shirt and his jeans were ripped pretty badly. Not only was Garroth shaking from fear but also from the cold as it had just rained and they were out in it. Laurence took his jacket off got off the couch. Or he at least tried. And shook off any of the raindrops. It worked but the noise cause Garroth to almost wake up. Garroth tugged on Laurence's shirt and Laurence took his fur coat and put it over Garroth. It was always big on him so there was no need to worry that it won't keep Garroth's whole body warm. Garroth's shaking calmed but he was still scared. He had many bruises and cuts on him that made Laurence boil inside. Laurence went beside Garroth and held him close calming him down with his heart beat. Soon he fell asleep too.

~Next day~

Garroth woke up first looking around hoping it wasn't just a dream. He smiled happily as it wasn't just a dream and Laurence really did save him.

'He really is my guardian angel...'

He thought. Laurence soon woke up and Garroth smiled at him. Laurence didn't say anything. He kept a straight face that became worried when he saw Garroth.

"Are you okay love?" Laurence asked as he sat up still holding onto Garroth..

" that your here.." Garroth whispered in a sweet tone.

Laurence chuckled a light blush painting his face. Garroth smiled as he snuggled into Laurence's chest.

"I'm going to make breakfast." Garroth said getting out of his grip.

Laurence shunned as Garroth walked off into the kitchen. Laurence frowned and got up and walked to the kitchen. He watched Garroth cut vegetables and throw them onto a pot. Once Garroth put the knife down Laurence went behind his back and snaked his arms around his waist. Garroth flinched looking back at Laurence who smirked at him. He let out a giggle going back to what he was doing.


Sighing Garroth went toward the bathroom. He looked into the mirror looking at his cuts and bruises. He traced his finger down the cuts and poked his bruises.


Garroth walked out of the bathroom and back into the living room where Laurence was laying on the couch on his phone.
As Garroth walked into the room Laurence sat up and looked at him.

"You alright?" He asked as Garroth sat down beside him.

"Yea I'll be fine in a few weeks." Garroth said as he turned the tv on laying on Laurence.

He searched through Netflix. He sighed and threw the remote onto the other couch.

"There's nothing to watch babe~" Garroth whined obviously bored.

Laurence chuckled and lifted Garroth's head.

"I'll entertain you~" Laurence flirted as he connected their lips.

He licked Garroth's bottom lip asking for entrance. Garroth opened his lips slightly as Laurence darted his tongue into his mouth. He explored every inch of his mouth. He earned a soft moan as they pulled away panting and their lungs begging for air. Laurence connected their lips once more before Garroth pulls away still panting.

"L-Laurence, I need...air.." Garroth breaths.

Laurence whines and connects their lip once more for a quick kiss. Garroth giggles after Laurence pulls away. He puts his hands on Laurence's chest and traces it downward. Getting lost into each others eyes. They were both leaning closer when the bell rang. Both pulling away quickly after getting startled Garroth went to open the door when Laurence just sighed and crossed his arm angry.
Garroth giggled opening the door to find Vylad at the door.

"Hey baby brother!" Garroth cheered happy to see his brother.

"When did you start calling me baby brother?" He asked as he walked inside.

"Also mom and dad came to visit right? Also we are going to need you take a few pictures because now that we found you we kinda don't want to you to get lost again and also we want the company to know the oldest Ro'Meave brother." Vylad said as he smiled at his brother.
Garroth nodded his head and closed the door and went back to sitting beside Laurence.

"When the photo shoot?" Laurence asked.

"It's the day after tomorrow...sorry we wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible." Vylad said as he held both of his hands together.

Garroth shook his head and smiled at him.

"It's fine. I would want to get it over with too." He said.

Laurence laid back and he watched the two brothers talk. Annoyed Laurence lunged at Garroth and held onto his waist.

"Laurence!" Garroth yelled.

Laurence whimpered and he kept his face hidden.

"I'm sorry baby brother. And Laurence you scared me. Don't do that so suddenly I thought I was going to die." Garroth said as he put a hand on where his heart is.

Laurence nodded his head and Vylad watched feeling happy for his brother by soon remembering Dante was outside.

"Ah I must be leaving then. Dante is still outside." Vylad said as he got up and off the couch.

Garroth nodded his head and waved Vylad goodbye. Laurence growled as Garroth hasn't been giving him attention for the past few minutes Vylad was here.
Garroth heard it as look at Laurence.

"Laurence you need to control yourself. I can't always be giving you attention. Now be a good boy and let me go." Garroth said.

Laurence pouted but let Garroth go and Garroth giggled giving Laurence a kiss in which Laurence deepened it.
They pulled away panting but smiling.

"How do you expect me not to want your attention when you keep grabbing mine?" 

Hey my musical notes! This chapter has come out a bit delayed because as you know I'm starting high school. Not only that but I'm in .... Jrotc! If you don't know what that is its a military training thing in my school that teaches you discipline, leadership, responsibility and courage. You have to strengthen your body and stuff. It's really strict and I already have a project. So sorry. This month possibly this year will be rough until I get the hang of things and I have to take the bus home. Sorry. I hope you enjoyed!!

Zanvis , Vylante , Garrance StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now