Chapter 1

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Our arrival home from the Northern kingdom nearly a week later and we were greeted by the people of our kingdom waiting at our gates. The entire visit to the North was marvelous, relaxing even and I missed Elianna dearly and seeing her was joyous, especially that precious little girl of hers. She definitely understood what I was going through as a new mother. I knew Raidyn also enjoyed seeing his closest friend, we've been apart from them for so long that it made me realize how much we need to strengthen our bond and ties with them. It was also difficult that we were both pregnant and unable to travel at different times.

News of Bren's coronation had come two days after we arrived home. Bren Waolle is officially King of the East. Flora is still by his side and they are on there way to the kingdom today. I missed Flora, my closest friend here in the Rastifen Kingdom. I am thrilled she is with Bren--I know how much they love each other, but a part of me wants her home. Bren, a possible step-brother for myself. My father, an idiot, I still don't know of his plans there must be something--there has got to be something going on with him. He had to of cheated on my mother, but if he hated her so then why have this plan to take Riesner in the first place? There hasn't been any threats to our kingdom, nor my son, so I put the situation in the back of my head. I have to focus on my own life--my son, my husband, me.

Riesner has been growing at an above average rate. He turned a month old yesterday, and he was now ten pounds. It isn't any shock being Raidyn's son, but I just want him to be tiny forever. The healers say he is perfectly healthy, which doesn't worry me.

I place Riesner down in his blue sheeted crib for a nap. He always seems so tired after I breastfeed him, then again he is still very young and baby's at this age need their sleep. I myself am starving. I ask Raidyn, who is in the nursery with me, to watch over Ries while I head down to the kitchen for food.

I head down the stairs of the castle and into the foyer where the main doors of the castle burst open. Bren walks in with Flora at his side. I run to hug her and then pull back to look at Bren who is wearing his kingdoms color of white topped of with a silver crown on top of his head. I finally notice what's different about him--grew a blond scruffy beard.

"The beard Bren." I smile at him.

"I've been told it makes me look older, more like-how did you say it?" He turns to Flora and then he comes to the idea before she can speak he does again. "Ah-I remember. More like a common man, more rugged."

I chuckle. "I agree it does make you look older, King."

"Don't compliment him too much. You'll just fuel that big head of his." Flora rolls her eyes.

I pull Flora in for another hug. "I missed you so much Flora." I pull back but my hands grab both her biceps so I can still look her in the eyes.

"I've missed you! I'm so glad I'm home. Gods, I hate the desert." Flora groans. "Look at me! Look at what the sun did!"

"It gave you a tan...and a burn." I look at her arms. "I'm sure you're use to burns though," I turn to Bren smirking. "Oh wait, no I forgot you're fireproof."

"She most definitely is. I couldn't burn this little spitfire if I tried." Bren wraps his arm around Flora and pulls her close.

"That's so interesting to me." I grab my chin. "You should talk to Duck about it, I want to know why that is."

"Then maybe you should talk to Duck about it, Queen Byrd." Bren retorts.

I roll my eyes. "Raidyn is in the nursery if you want to see him."

"I get it, you're dismissing me." Bren takes his arm off from around Flora. "The trick is on you because that isn't a punishment. I much rather see him anyways."

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