Chapter 2

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Poisoned, my son is only a month old and already he has had two threats on his life. I know that there will always be a target on Riesner and Raidyn's back--it doesn't mean I can't worry, it doesn't mean I won't worry. I will protect my son's life and Gods dammit I will never let him come this close to death again.

After the interrogation with that woman, a lot of my steam was let out. She was lying and I didn't know who exactly she is trying to protect, but it must be someone very threatening. I had never given those orders--why would I? I head back up to my chambers from the dungeon where Raidyn is with Ries watching over him as he sleeps.

"Hey. Did you put her to death?" Raidyn raises his eyebrow.

"I was very close to." I say annoyed.

"I'm surprised you didn't."

"I wasn't getting anywhere, there's no use in killing her yet." I pick at the skin on my knuckles.

"I can always manipulate answers out of her."

"That could've saved me a lot of trouble, Raidyn." I look at him almost annoyed.

"You are well aware of my powers, don't blame me."

"I don't think about your powers every second of my life, sorry if I forgot."

"Neither do I. I never use my manipulation."

I rub my forehead. "See what you can get out of her then."

"I will. Watch Ries."

"I'll watch him but I'm coming with you."

"The baby should not be around this. He is very impressionable."

"Fine." I nod my head acting complaint. I walk over to Ries grin to look over at our sleeping baby.

"You could always ask Raven or Flora to watch him."

"No. I only trust him with us right now." I say sternly.

"I understand how you feel. You know we can trust both of those people; Raven is family and Flora would never hurt him."

I squirm uncomfortably. "Please Raidyn, I just don't trust anyone right now."

He nods and walks calmly toward the door opening it and then closing it gently with him on the other side.

I take a seat at the table patiently waiting for Raidyn's return. Every few minutes I stand up to check on the baby so afraid that something might happen to him even in my own care.

Almost an hour later Raidyn returns.

"You did it." He looks at me.

I glare back at him confused. "I did it? Did what?" Obviously I know what he is referring to, but it's a lie I didn't forget about orders I given her--I never talked to that woman yesterday.

"You changed her orders from the day. The change came from you, she swears it."

"I did no such thing." I stand up clenching my fists. "And you believe her?"

"I manipulated the truth out of her; I believe it is her truth."

"It is not my truth! Manipulate me if you have to. I never changed that woman's orders."

"An imposter of you could've."

"An imposter." I chuckle. "That's just great. We have a shapeshifter on the loose?"

"Maybe a cousin of yours."

I rub my forehead. "I don't know. Maybe. I-I officially do not trust anyone."

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