Chapter 30

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I head up to my chambers after a long eight hours of my studies in the library--it was brutal and I'm actually exhausted. I walk down the corridor and all I can think is I get to see my beautiful baby and my handsome husband. I open the chambers door to see Raidyn changing his diaper. I smile at him as I walk over to the table and place three large books down--I'm suppose to read them all. I turn back around and plop on the bed.

"That was exhausting." I stretch my arms and legs out. "So much information." I close my eyes against the pillow. "I learned the history of the Gods and the five kingdoms, I learned some science and english, some math too." I yawn. "Did you know babies are born with about 270 bones, but adults have 206--some of them fuse as they get older? That's crazy."

"Not only that, but for people of magic like us it could be even fewer depending on the power." Raidyn smirks over at me. "Look at my little intelligent dove. I'm so proud of you. You're incredible Byrd; I truly admire you."

"I'm going to be smarter than you." I smile at him before passing out.

It doesn't take me long to wake up soon after because of this damned energy; Raidyn says I only slept for an hour or two.

I stand up from the bed and check on Ries who is fast asleep as well. I love watching his chest rise and fall. I would give anything for this child. I walk over to kiss Raidyn softly before heading down to the infirmary to check on Cal.

Raven has been by his side the entire time. He now conscious, but I bet still in a lot of pain and weak.

"Hey." I say entering the room looking at Cal. "How are you?"

"Shh. She's sleeping." He protectively croaks out and gestures over to Raven who's knocked out next to him. "I'm definitely fine. I want to get out of this damned bed." He whispers.

I smile at Raven. "Good. She needs it." I take seat in one of the chairs in the rooms. "When did the healer say you'll be ready?"

"I know she does. I tried to get her to leave and rest in her own bed, but she refuses to. She said I can't be left here all alone-it's like I'm a troublemaker or something." He chuckles and shakes his head. "I start rehabilitation this upcoming Monday. They said I'll be able to walk and run fine by the end of next week."

I nod my head. "You are a troublemaker." I give him a knowing look. "It's all good news, Cal. I'll see you next week then; our training will be a little earlier--six."

"Aren't I done with training?"

"You are done with your lessons yes, now it's just knowing your case and details of where to go next." I cross my legs and lean back in the chair.

"So I'll be leaving by the Monday after next? We can train me on the weekend if you can spare the time. I really think I should get going just because the longer I take; the harder it'll be to find him and I've already been set back two weeks by this stupid injury." He sighs.

"Sure, if you're up for it. I'll give you all the details of your case on the weekend and I'll have Raidyn ship you out that Monday."

"Sounds like a plan, boss. I think it's just best if I get on with this job." Cal looks over at Raven and gives a small grin. "While I'm gone I'll send my updates to her, but of course I'll check in too like you mentioned in training."

"Good." I nod my head and give him a weak smile. "Get some rest yourself. I have other business to attend." I stand up.

Cal nods. "See you soon, Queen."

I walk out of Cal's room and to the healers main quarters where I grab a baby tonic--I don't even know how much this is actually helping; Hollis already has so much energy it's crazy. I head back up to my chambers instead of visiting my brother like I planned--I want to get started on the book I'm suppose to read for my education. It wasn't until I start reading the second chapter I notice my reading was terrible. I hardly understood most of these words; I only know the basics but I didn't think the basics were so below the level I should be at. I am only getting further frustrated now.

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