Chapter 35

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Early Friday morning, Byrd and I dressed and left Ries in Alana's care to see off Cal's departure. I was hyped and feeling good considering I had no judgement to attend to today.

"You know of your assignment? Which kingdom you'll be heading to first?" I ask him in hopes that he intends to follow the plan Byrd formed with him and the one I got approved by the council. Getting the plan approved by the council was important. I was king and whatever I said would go, but it was always nice to be backed from my advisors who saw this as the best thing to do. Duck was an asset; he is the best scholar in the land and completely brilliant with his mind. Hours of tutoring and schooling alongside Duck as kids made I apparent to me that he was special in his power the same way I was. Maybe that's why my parents let him live in the castle and be keeper of the library, even way back then.

Cal nods. "Of course, my king. I am heading to the Western Kingdom first due to Duck's ties there. After I am returning with any information and going to the Lost Kingdom. If the scholar isn't in the Lost Kingdom I am heading the the East and so on. After every kingdom I am returning to regroup with you both."

"Very good. Good luck and be safe." I pat his shoulder and look around. "Where is my sister at?"

"She's asleep in my hospital bed. Please don't wake her." The corners of his mouth downturn, but his face remains serious.

"You know, she's going to be pissed with you when you return for his." I give him a pointed look. For Raven's sake, I wasn't going to disturb her. She probably wouldn't be sleeping much with both Cal and Duck gone.

"I know." Cal chuckles and turns to Byrd beside me. "Any last tips for me, Coach?"

I turn to Byrd the same time Cal does and can not help but completely check her out and how smoking hot she looked in her black dress. She was flawless in my eyes.

"Dont screw up your backstory, one little mistake can cost you unneeded suspicion." She nods her head. "Other than that...don't fuck up." She smiles.

Cal shakes his head. "You kiss him with that mouth?"

"She does and it's filthier than you-" I get cut off by Byrd smacking me in the stomach.

Cal laughs and disappears before our very eyes.

"What do you suppose we tell Raven when she wakes up?" I turn to my Queen with my cheeks still blushed.

"The truth." She shrugs her shoulders. "He'll probably be talking to her in her mind anyways."

"Ahh, that's right. I didn't even think of that. If only we had the ability to do that, all yesterday I could've been talking you up."

"I could've used it." She frowns. "I missed you. We've barely had any time together these past few days."

"Last week really set me back, but today..." I smirk.

Her face lights up. "I have you all to myself?" I can hear the excitement in her voice.

"Well I wouldn't want to be with anybody else." I croon.

She pulls me down to kiss her. "Me either." She wraps her arms around my waist and rests her head on my chest.

"How about we take this back to our chambers? Better yet, I'll meet you in the throne room." I lean over and whisper in her ear. I can feel her excitement as her heartbeat speeds up against my chest.

She squeezes me tight one last time before letting go and power walking to the throne room. I shake my head and chuckle to myself before jogging up to our chambers and grabbing my black crown that's looking extra shiny today since I had it cleaned after someone used their powers to soil me entirely in mud after being upset with my judgement. I rinsed the filth off myself, but I decided the professionals could get it to an even better level and I was right, it sure is.

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