Chapter 45

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I was over the clouds happy that Hollis and Byrd are both safe and healthy, that is all that really matters to me, the safety of the two of them and Ries of course. Although Byrd has to recover from delivering such a big baby and is still uncomfortable, it's nothing and I much rather have that than lose her. The pain of losing her would plague me deeper than any other.

Having two babies at once is the most tiring thing I've ever experienced. Byrd hasn't been much help at all, which is fine because she's recovering, but it's really taking a toll on me. When Hollis is awake, Ries is asleep. When Ries is awake, Hollis sleeps for a minute and is back up again. Not the mention the jealousy from Riesner, it's insane. I can't even hold the new baby without him screaming bloody murder for me. Hollis is perfect. Every aspect of him is perfect, just as it was with Ries. I have a new feeling when I cradle Hollis and our electricity mixes, I haven't told Byrd yet because she's been sleeping and when she's not she's talking to Astrid, but I know he won't be as strong as me. I had to warm up to the name Hollis, even though I was the one to pick it, I was nervous that such a name wouldn't fit the baby because we didn't pick it out after being with him like we did with Ries, but luckily it does fit. Hollis has a really different feel to him and not to mention that he appears as different as he feels. Hollis has this brown-red hair and blue eyes that might or might not wear off. His face is rounder than Riesner and mine is, I think he obtained a bunch of his features from Byrd. He'll probably end up resembling Finn and Raphael when he's older, if I had to guess. Hollis's personality has come out already at certain times, he is a child of energy so every time I mention sleep he cried, I'm starting to think he can understand me.

Astrid and Finn came over a week ago and they still haven't yet returned to their kingdom. I know that Astrid has Fridrik and his wife to hold down the kingdom for her and that she probably wanted to watch and learn how it is having a newborn around, but I don't think I'd want to be away from my kingdom for long with all of the recent attacks; her kingdom is the only one that's been left alone. Plus Finn mentioned that Astrid doesn't have her sight, I guess that makes sense why we can seem to find Duck.

Bren and Flora have been in touch, corresponding to written letters, but they've been trying like crazy for a heir of their own now so it always mentions how great their sex is, which I could live without the details even though I am very happy for my friends.

It's been exactly a week since Cal went away and he left for an indefinite amount of time this time so Raven has been avoiding the subject of him. Or maybe it's because she knows I know that they've had sex or maybe she's been so preoccupied with helping me and a crew of maintenance repair the windows that she is too focused to comment about him, although I know it's not the last one. Duck just has to be in one of the last two kingdoms and Cal has the best advantage in the East having grown up there so I hope that Duck is somewhere over there. Bren and Flora know of Cal and his mission, so from the little that Raven has shared, they've been helping him.

I haven't been exercising as much lately because I get all my exercise taking care of the kids. I don't need the sleep that Byrd does and she's recovering, so it makes sense for me to be the one, but it's just the fact that there's two of them and one is jealous and the other doesn't sleep a wink that makes me not want another for a long time. I don't even mind not having sex when I'm this tired, I know, this is so out of character for me. I'm pretty sure I'm going to set a new record for the longest time I've gone without. Bren would roast me on this, he would have a field day. Who needs exercise and sex when you have a newborn who sleeps for five minutes tops? I'm going to admit that I did recruit the help of both Rosie and Alanna for a day. By the end of the day we were all excused and I fell asleep in the rocking chair and the other two knocked out on the sofa. We all scrambled to wake up and get the crying babies minutes later and ended up finding humor in the situation, somehow I don't think that Byrd would find it so funny.

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