Chapter 3

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We walk silently to the stables as Raidyn goes toward his horse, Obsidian and Bren goes toward what would've been my horse--Marble. I frown wishing he hadn't taken him to ride.

Both men race up and down the field, riding like pros would. It made me think that one day Ries too would ride like that. Soon enough he'll grow and start riding lessons and one day we'll all go out riding as a family.

I daydream for awhile before both men return out of breath. "Man, that felt good. Much need." Raidyn pants as he guides Obsidian to the stables.

I give him a look that says, we need to continue to stall. I try to come up with anything at this point. "I don't want you riding Marble anymore." I say to Bren.

"Fine." Bren spits out clearly still angry at me too. "Where is Flora?"

Shit, I was hoping for more of an argument. "Why?" I give him a dirty look.

"Because I'd like to know where the woman I love is. Is there a problem?" Bren snaps.

"Yeah there's a problem." Really there isn't. "Why do you have to know where she is constantly? You act like you control her."

"I care for her! I do not control her at the least! She makes her own decisions." He clenches his fists.

"I'm sure she does." I scoff. "You're relentless, you probably pressure her into so much."

"Enough of this talk! It's ridiculous! I love Flora and I'm not the monster you're making me out to be." Bren stomps away heading towards the castle.

I look at Raidyn desperately. "Yes you are!" I call to Bren. "I don't think you love her."

Raidyn looks at me wide eyed. "What are you doing? Are you trying to get yourself and the baby roasted?" He whisper yells.

I hand him the baby and I take a step closer to Bren with my arms crossed. I was doing this for Flora.

"I'm not doing this with you." Bren rolls his eyes. "I know you're just trying to get to me. Why would you just tell me where she is?"

"Because I'm right." I shrug my shoulders.

Bren continues walking. "Stop your woman, Ray!" He calls out. "I'm getting fed up!"

"Bren." Raidyn warns, holding little Ries's ears.

"You think I'm such a terrible queen but I think you're a terrible king. You're going to turn out just like your father." I knew it was going to hit a nail.

Bren's fists explode and fire races towards me. The fire skims my arm, but I pretend it didn't even touch me. "What're you going to do? Kill me?"

Raidyn witnessed the entire scene and caused it to start downpouring. "No one is killing anyone today." He protectively hovers over Ries and makes his way towards the stables.

Bren gets even angrier. "You're so lucky your husband's powers oppose mine!" He screams at me.

"Or what? Then you'd kill me? I'm not scared of you Bren." I spit at him. "You're nothing but a coward, you're weak, pathetic."

"I'm none of those things and I wouldn't kill you, but I would make you suffer. I have things to do and someone I'm going to see, so if you would excuse me and save your little tantrum for another time." He continues walking away.

I continue to panic as I turn invisible and run toward him kicking him in the back of the knee and then closing my eyes.

"What the hell?!" Bren growls, falling to the ground. "Raidyn!"

The Central Kingdom (Book 3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora