Chapter 12

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I kiss Raidyn on his bare chest as I crawl over him to get out of bed. I start putting on some clothes, I wear one of my tunics that is low cut to perfectly show off my necklace against my bare skin. I put my hair into a long braid and top the outfit off with my tiara.

"I got to go down to the healers." I say to Raidyn. I'm could possibly be pregnant right now--I haven't taken the tonic in a few days and we didn't say we wanted children right now. I lean over to kiss him and head out the door.

I end up meeting with Flora and Astrid in the hallway instead and I say. "Would you guys like to get breakfast?" I suggest.

They smile and decide to join me. I sit next to Astrid and across from us is Flora. As if breakfast couldn't get any better, Elianna and soon after Raven join us.

"I don't think we've ever been all together." Astrid smiles as the cook sets our trays of food in front of us.

"How was all your nights?" I smile to them all picking up my fork.

"Great, as I'm sure yours was." Elianna smirks.

"My night was marvelous." I gush.

"I can tell by the thunderstorm." Astrid snickers.

Flora chuckles, but keeps her gaze downcasted.

Raven laughs and shakes her head, blushing.

"The ball was beautiful." Astrid remarks to Raven.

"You did a great job." Elianna compliments Raven as well.

"Looks like I'll have to really consider being a party planner then." Raven jokes. "Thank you all, sincerely." She gracefully places her hand to her chest.

"I see you're with Duck." Astrid smiles. "I'm glad you two are so happy together." She nods.

I could feel some tension but I know Astrid meant what she said. She's always been the bigger person.

"Yeah, you two seem like you're getting serious." Flora says quietly.

"Yes we are, Flora." Raven nods and looks to Astrid. "Thank you, Astrid. Duck-uh, he told me about your-uh, history." Raven gives a tight lipped smile and tucks her hair behind her ear.

"Yes." Astrid smoothens out her dress. "All in the past. I am happily married to Finn."

We all nod our heads.

"So Elianna, will Katsa be having a sibling soon?" I smile toward her.

"I don't know yet, it's really early for Harking and I to think of such things. Katsa is a really demanding baby and I want more it's just I don't know how much I can juggle with her being so little right now." Elianna shrugs.

"Of course, with time they won't be so fussy anymore. Then you can always have a nanny look after her." I respond.

"I guess, I don't know how much I truly trust anyone though-our kingdom is still so new to us both so..." Elianna trails.

"I'm so happy for you and Harking, El. I never really could see you and Raidyn together-even as kids you two just didn't click, but then again the age difference then could've played a part in that." Raven comments.

"Well Raven, Raidyn and I have-how do I put this?" Elianna pauses for a moment. "We've connected in the past."

I choke on my food noticeably. "Connected?"

Raven stares at Elianna as if she's crazy and Astrid's jaw is dropped as well as Flora's.

"I've slept with Raidyn, we were engaged like our entire lives after all, but this was before you Byrd-like maybe a year before you knew him." Elianna explains.

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