Chapter 27

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My workout with Cal was once again cut short due to some morning sickness I was feeling, I gave him a few lessons in deception that he easily dismissed which pissed me off. Raidyn had some business to attend so I was surprised to greet Flora's family--I forget they were coming this weekend. They got settled and I knock on Daneria's door.

"Queen Byrd." She smiles.

Daneria is just a year younger than Flora--my age. She has Flora's blue eyes and medium length brown hair. She's tall and skinny and she looks just like Flora only with lighter features. Genevieve looked nothing like the two of them with her brown eyes and facial structure.

"Daneria." I smile back. "How are you? I hope the room is to your liking."

"Oh very much, your majesty." She nods her head.

"I have a job opportunity if you're interested." I offer. "Would you like to be a babysitter for the king and I?"

"Me?" She seems almost shocked.

"I trust Flora with my life and she kinda vouched for you. I don't trust just anyone with my children--of course I'll have to get to know you better and you will have to spend more time around Ries to get more comfortable and then when the new baby co--"

"Yes!" She blurts out. "Yes I'd love to! I won't let you down my queen." She claps her hands together.

"Good. Would you like to meet my son?" I ask her.

She nods her head and steps out of her chambers to follow me to my chambers where Riesner is sleeping.

I pick him up and he doesn't stir.

"Oh my, he's so cute." She fawns over him.

"Here." I hand him over to her and she looks clueless and she carefully puts him in her arms and Ries finally stirs.

"What do I do?" She looks panicked as Ries starts to fidget and whine.

"It's because you're holding him wrong." I laugh as I fix her arms and Ries rests his head against her chest cooing. "There you go, the little prince is happy once again."

She smiles widely and rocks him to further soothe him.

"You'll get the hang of it quickly." I reassure her.

After minutes she puts Ries back in the crib and we sit down to talk and discuss many different things--including her sister.

"What about the King of East?" She asks me. "I just know my sister is in love with him, I know the former King Waolle was a tyrant--is he...?"

"Bren is good for her." I nod my head. "They're very much in love. I'm glad, I just want to see Flora happy."

"I know what you mean." Daneria breathes out. "Flora was very troubled when she was younger--I just hope she's safe and happy."

I put my hand on her knee. "She is very happy, trust me. Flora is my best friend, I'm looking after her too." I grin.

"I love your eyes, Queen." She looks closer at me.

"Thank you. Yours are very beautiful too--just like Flora's." I compliment back.

"And your hair." She runs a hand down a strand.

"Thank you." I continue my smile. "Do you have any prior experience with children?" I change the subject.

"I use to watch Genevieve when she was little, I know how to do the basics, it's just a little nerve wrecking being the babysitter for the prince." She rings her fingers.

The Central Kingdom (Book 3)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt