Chapter 56

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The entire time since my miscarriage I've been plotting different ways to kill my father, my grief has taken over me and the anger of all he has done and all I have allowed is eating away at me. Cynric's death has been on my mind for weeks now.

I bring both my boys into my chambers to spend time with them. They make me see my goal--that I must protect them at all cost and there is no way I'm letting my father get to them the way I let him hurt so many of my friends and family. Ries has been walking at an advanced rate for his age. He is started to pick himself up and run around; although he falls down he doesn't even cry. What worries me is when he turns invisible and I'm afraid he's going to run into something and hurt himself. Hollis has been gaining more power, not nearly as much as Raidyn, but I notice his power is coming in more and more with each passing day.

Flora and Bren had already left to tend to their kingdom as did Astrid and Finn. All that was left here was Raph who is staying for the remainder of this month and the next. I had invited Raven over earlier so when she knocks on the door I tell her it's open. Ries runs to Raven and she picks him up happily.

"How have you been, sister?" I say to her as I rock Hollis in my arms.

"So busy." She sighs and runs her hand through her hair, "wedding planning is so stressful."

I chuckle. "I know. Has Petunia been much trouble for you?"

"Petunia is a life-saver and I know I would have absolutely nothing done without her. I just wish that Cal wasn't doing drills right now and preparing for battle so that way he could be there with me when I plan."

"Raidyn didn't do any planning with me. I would just ask him questions and he'd give me answers to pass along to the planner. Are you nervous at all?" I ask tilting my head.

"No, not at all. This is what's right. The only thing I am nervous about is starting to show and Conroy being invited." She places her hands on her stomach.

"You still look skinny." I give her a small smile. "Duck is respectable man too, he won't cause much trouble, he just wants to be there for you--but I know what you mean. It must be awkward."

"Thanks. I've only been with three men before and it's nerve wracking that I am marrying one and the other two are coming to the wedding."

"Who is this mysterious third man?" I give her a look. "I want names."

"I'll never tell." Raven pretends to lock her mouth and throw away the key.

"Oh, come on! I tell you everything." I groan.

"I can't bring myself to say his name."

"Can I guess?"

"Fine." She sighs.

"Does he live in the castle?"

"Yep." She twists her fingers.

"Blond hair?" Maybe it was Bren.

"No, he lives in this castle."

"Is he part of the kitchen staff?"


"One of the other scholars?"

Raven starts laughing hysterically at that and swats with her hand. "No, Duck won't be caught with another scholar." 

"A guard?"

"Not exactly."

I give her a puzzled look until my eyes widen and I know exactly who she is talking about. "The general?!"

"Who?" Her face heats up and she guiltily looks down at the floor.

"Jax! It was Jax, oh my gods!"

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