Chapter 41

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I try not to think about what Cal said at lunch the remainder of the weekend. Was Byrd going to be okay to deliver this baby? Especially if he comes so soon? She had just given birth to Riesner and I can't help but see the danger in this after the fact that I knocked her up and the baby is growing extremely fast.

Monday morning Byrd, Raven, and I all say our goodbyes to Cal and wish him luck on his journey.

Raven runs to hug him tight. She pulls back with her arms around his neck and stares him down, even though he is much taller. "You better not hurt yourself." She growls out.

"I won't." Cal smiles and lets go of her waist before she lets go of him. I always find that a bit interesting, but I think he was doing it out of respect for Raven, Byrd, and I. He loves Raven and it's so noticeable and I guarantee he struggles with their standing and situation, but I think that he doesn't want to push himself onto her. I bet he knows as well as I do that if you push yourself on a woman, she'll only want to get away from you. It's basic reverse psychology.

Honestly, I didn't mind Cal as a person or as a man Raven has feelings for. He's a great guy and he would do anything for Raven in a heartbeat since the very beginning, it almost makes me wonder why and if he knows something she and I don't.

"Good luck." I outstretch my hand to him and he shakes it.

"Thank you, King Raidyn." He bows his head.

I had to give it to him, he has a really strong handshake. I guess I approve of him and Raven if Duck never returns; that's the only way they'll happen anyways according to Raven.

"See you all in a month." And Cal is off with a wave.

When he is gone Raven turns to Byrd, "I'm so sorry. I was at Cal's late and I completely forgot to stop by and talk to you."

"It's fine. I was exhausted that night anyways--I passed right out." Byrd responds shrugging her shoulders.

"We will have to get together with Astrid and Flora. I know Astrid returned, but is Flora still here with her family?"

"Flora is still in mourning. Bren has been taking care of her." Byrd sighs. "Elianna is still here with Katsa though, she leaves Wednesday."

"Really? That's when Bren and Flora will probably return East then too. I couldn't see them staying away from their kingdoms for two weeks." Raven flips her hair over her shoulder.

"Yeah, I have a feeling they're going to leave soon too." Byrd says disappointed. "At least Astrid and Finn are staying the rest of the week."

"Well, why don't we all get together Tuesday? I mean, Flora might not be in the mood still, but she'd probably show. I love it when the alliance is together. I think Bren is going to have to do some pleading anyways because of his and Flora's secret wedding- leave it to the two of them to break the rules and make things difficult." I cut in and roll my eyes.

"That sounds great." Byrd nods her head. "You don't think Bren will be kicked out of the alliance for this, do you?"

I shrug. "Astrid can be harsh at times, let's just hope she isn't this time... but with those pregnancy hormones she'll be unpredictable. Elianna will probably give Bren a hard time for fun, but with Astrid she had it different since she was kind of forced into her marriage."

"That's right, Astrid didn't want to marry Finn, but it was her duty and she followed the rules." Byrd recalls. "To be honest I think it was foolish of Bren and Flora to marry in secret."

"I agree with you, but I'm not surprised. He purposely wrote to me afterwards too so I couldn't stop it. Bren always causes his own problems, but at least he's fixing up his kingdom." I look over to Raven who is scratching at her arm.

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