Chapter 50

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I spent the majority of my week in the library when I wasn't taking care of the kids or eating in the kitchen with Raidyn. I've been looking up archives of my family and anything I can find on the Lost Kingdom. Specifically I tried to find anything on my grandfather, Hollis. I found a few things on Finn and Raphael's father's sides. It wasn't until I looked into a very old and dusty book that took Duck forever to find that I actually found my lineage.

Unfortunately, I am interrupted before I can crack the book open. A guard informs me that my little brother has arrived from the West. I make my way to the front gates to see my handsome brother standing there in black slacks and a dark green tunic. He's a lot taller than I remember--almost taller than me.

I pull him in for a hug. "I've missed you." I embarrassingly kiss him on the cheek.

He quickly wipes it off and rolls his eyes. "Hello to you too, Luscinia."

"Come on, let's go see Raidyn I know you're dying to." I give him a smirk and he smiles back.

I walk him up to the my chambers and I see Hollis sleeping in Raidyn's arms and Riesner is on the ground playing with some toys. I pick up Ries and shower him with kisses. "My boy, how are you?" I say in my baby voice. "You're so cute." Riesner's attention goes straight to Raph, but of course Raph can only pay attention to Raidyn as his eyes light up.

"Raidyn!" Raph smiles and greets his brother in law. He walks over to Raidyn who is sitting on the chair and he looks down at Hollis. "He's so tiny." Raph moves his hand toward Hollis and Hollis grabs ahold of his finger. "Woah, he's shocking me." I would ask if it hurts, but he doesn't seem to be in any pain.

"Hey, Raphael. Welcome brother. I'm glad you've finally arrived I've been waiting all day!" Raidyn takes his attention away from Hollis to smile at Raphael.

I'm so glad that Raphael is here, I love my brothers and I wish they lived here in the castle with me. I know it's understandable that Raphael lives in the West with Finn because Finn has been apart of Raph's life since Raph was born. I'm still more or less a stranger to him, I only met him months ago. Finn I feel closer with, age does factor in, but I also was with him the first six years of my life. Finn, Astrid, and Raphael's father all agreed to let him stay in our kingdom for two months. We had his chamber all prepared and I can't wait to spend this time with him. I know he won't really want to spend it with me, or with his nephews who do nothing but poop and drool. He'll want to spend the entirety with Raidyn. I'm just his lame older sister and my sons aren't old enough for him to actually play with. Either way I don't mind, I'm extremely close with Raven, so it's nice to see Raidyn getting closer with my brothers. Gods, it reminds me that my father is having a son soon, his first son. Finn and Raph aren't sharing this sibling with me, instead Elianna and Bren are which I still find unbelievable and a little creepy that both Hollis, Ries and Katsa will have this uncle that is younger than them.

"Can we go to the stables and ride?" Raphael asks.

I put my hands on Raph's shoulders. "Your father's been telling me that you really enjoying riding the horses, he even told me that you want to be a guard when you get older."

Raph smiles and nods his head. "Yes! I want to be a guard in your kingdom...or maybe the West. But I want to train and Finn won't train me yet, but would you Raidyn?" He says with wide hopeful eyes to my husband.

"I'll have to write with Finn first, but I think we can do little things. I don't know how to be a guard, but my friend Jax does and he's training someone right now so I'm sure you could join right in."

Raphael gives Raidyn a weak smile. "Okay."

"You don't think you could teach him a few things?" I say to Raidyn and give him a glaring look.

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