Chapter 33

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It was Wednesday, bright and early I stood at the front gates of the castle to meet the men who killed Belmont and to see his body for myself. In the past there had been times when the guards got the wrong man due to the trickery of our enemy, but as I pulled back the tarp that covered the rotting body, I could see clear as day that it was indeed the right man. Even in death Belmont's face was beady and rat-like, the resemblance with his uncle was also apparent. "That's him." I nod and the guards pass off the body to the team delivering Belmont's body to Veldhashalm.

"You are all welcome at the castle for breakfast and treatment if any are wounded." I announce to the men before turning and heading back inside my castle.

Yesterday, I got a ton done when I did judgement so I decided to make my schedule a lighter one. I had to visit my parents at the cemetery today; I was really missing them, especially seeing Ries grow up now and how fast Hollis is growing too. I love my children even though only one is actually out in the realm right now. I wish my parents could've met them; I think my mom and dad would both get a kick out of Ries's early streak of mischievousness. I know my mother would laugh and tell me that 'it's all just coming back to me for the way that I acted when I was younger.'

I grab a light breakfast and head on my way to the village. The sunlight reflects off of the gravestones and I can see Milo and Daphne printed across them. I remember it as if it was just yesterday, the funerals for my parents and Raven, how empty and alone I felt; for years I couldn't shake that feeling, but I can now. I spent three years of my life locking myself away in my doom and gloom. The darkness was comforting to me, it still is in a way that it's so familiar. Darkness is a huge part of who I am and there's no escaping that for me, but darkness doesn't always have to be painted so negatively- not anymore. I stare down at the tombstones and am brought back to a memory that I've since forgotten.

"Radiyn!" Raven shrieks from the top of her lungs, but the ringing is so loud in my ears that it soon disappears and merges with the storm forming around me. The banners in the ballroom are already falling off and flapping like mad.

I'm at the eye of the storm and I can smell my skin melting. I can feel all the energy surge into me, causing me to glow, my entire body glows. It's painful, so painful that I think I'm going to die. I'm begging for death and a release from the energy and power I struggle with everyday.

My parents are standing right in front of me, but now they're just two unidentifiable figures. They're holding hands so I know it's them. I see things flying off of them. Oh Gods, it must be the clothes and jewelry! I'm going to be so embarrassed if I see them naked. I want to stop this so badly. I would take falling off a horse over this anyday, easy. I would even let Bren light me on fire. I can't control this storm and I never could, and that is how we ended up here- our last measure, my last chance at a life as a normal kid.

I can no longer see Raven's petite form in front of me, she must have gotten sucked up by the storm, but I can't stop it. I can't. I'm in so much pain. My head is pounding, my heart is beating out of my chest, and tears are streaming down my face as my own power overpowers me and brings me to me knees. Every glass window in the ballroom breaks and tiny shards lodge into my arms and I duck just in time to get a big chunk stuck in my eye. I feel the blood trickle down my face. I'm scared to even open my eye, I could be half blind now. The pain. It's getting even worse.

I can't battle this any longer. I have to accept this is my death, at least my parents and Raven won't have to worry about me anymore. We all knew this was my destiny.

As my knees dig further into the ground the power seems to be sucked into me and I squeeze my other eye shut and curl myself into a ball. And then it's done with. I open my good eye back up after the energy flow knocked the breath back into me, everything is in ruin and my family is nowhere to be seen. That is until I see the corpses of my parents. That wasn't just their clothes flying away. That was their skin, hair, flesh, and bone all torn from them by my storm. I did this. I killed my parents. I hurried to rip up the pieces of rubble in search of Raven, but she's nowhere to be seen. I'm completely and utterly alone, surrounded by disaster I am to blame for. I let out my most aggravated scream and look down at my parents bodies again before the shock wears off and I sob uncontrollably.

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