Chapter 21

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Getting the letter from the Raidyn saying to simply return--for some reason the vagueness had my stomach in knots, no details, nothing. I don't know whether or not Raidyn, Raven or Finn are okay. I don't know the injuries and I don't know the damage. When I enter the castle I am not greeted by my king. I keep Riesner close to me as I head upstairs to our chambers to see Raidyn sleeping. I put Ries in his crib and I walk over to Raidyn. His nose looks slightly swollen and his hair and skin look dirty.

I lean over to kiss him on the cheek gently and then the lips. I sit on the edge of the bed and continue to softly kiss him awake.

"Hey." Raidyn smiles coming to. "You're back."

"I'm back." I kiss him again. "Are you okay?" I say in a hushed tone. I notice he's still laying flat down on the bed not sitting up to meet my kisses or hold me.

"I am. I'm certainly way better than Finn or Bren."

"Finn?" I'm taken back. "Is my brother okay?"

"We are all alive."

I nod my head and kiss him again. "I was worried sick." I rub his arms. "Are you sore?"

"I am." He pulls down his blanket to reveal a brace.

I frown. "Would you like me to massage your back?"

"I have to go back to the infirmary to ask them how long they want this thing on me. I don't know if I have to keep it on for a certain amount or time."

"I'll go ask." I offer standing up. "I'll be but a few minutes."

"I love you." Raidyn says softly.

"I love you more." I say before heading out of the door.

I head down to the infirmary and find Martha. "Do you know about Raidyn's condition? I've come to ask a question on how long he's suppose to keep this brace on and when he can take it off."

"King Rastifen can take if off if he lays still,‍ but he should wear it for a week straight when he sleeps and during his daily activities." She bows her head.

"Thank you." I smile. "Also can I get a few tests done on me blood pressure and heart rate?" I ask.

"Certainly." She begins to run the tests. "Everything looks perfectly fine my queen."

"Thank you Martha." I wave goodbye as I head upstairs to Raidyn.

"You just have to wear it for a week, babe." I sit on the edge of the bed and place my hand on his chest. "But I can take it off you to massage your back--as long as you sit still."

Raidyn lets out a groan and rolls over. "I'll stay still." He says grumpy.

I take the brace off him and lift up his shirt. I put my hands to his skin and begin to massage his sore tight muscles. I move up to his shoulders and then down to his sides near his hips. "Does this feel alright?" I say softly.

"Mhm." He mumbles.

I continue for a few more minutes until my stomach starts to cramp. "All better?" I bend down to kiss his shoulder. I hide the pain from my voice. I put the brace back on him.

"Thank you." He smiles, looking at me from the side.

"Anything for my king." I smile back. I sit down cross legged on the bed and discreetly put my hands on my pained stomach. "Are the battle's done? Or shall we be expecting more?"

"It's done. We finished off his men. Belmont was able to flee though; he has no army, so I don't know what he's going to do besides hide behind your father."

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