Chapter 13

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The battle was brief and I was thankful that we cut down their force in numbers so much that I didn't wake up to them attacking again the following morning. Byrd and I had so much power on our side with the help of Finn, Harking, and of course my general and guards that I'm not surprised that they'll have to take a couple days before their next attack. This gave me time to plan my strategy and better my defenses.

Yesterday in battle it brought back the past year as with Harking at my side, it brought up old and somewhat hard times when he was the closest thing to family I had. He made me feel like I wasn't alone and filled the void I had at the time whenever we were together whether it was in meetings or just hangout outside of ruling and worrying about our beloved kingdom. His loyalty to me will never be forgotten by me. Harking in battle was amazing to watch because the man was basically untouchable with his power. Harking will forever be my closest and dearest friend and I feel so terrible for him and Elianna losing their kingdom. They have none of their own things, but luckily them and their beautiful baby girl are safe which is the most important thing.

Finn was such a great help, with this stay he has started to feel more and more like a brother to me. The other day, Finn and I hung out and have a blast sword fighting each other. Imagine it, the most powerful man in the realm up against a man with super strength; it was a pretty interesting sight to see. Finn is an overall great man and I was so happy that he is morally good; Astrid deserves this happiness and Byrd deserves a family member she actually likes. I found out yesterday that Finn crushes a skull with one hand. I was amazed. Wyr and Jax have super strength too, as most generals do, but both of them can only crush a skull with two hands. Finn is probably the most powerful man with super strength that I've ever seen. I really wish that him and Astrid could've stayed longer, both of them were great company, but they have to take care of their kingdom.

Byrd was my partner, lifelong. She took place of the void that Tyden had the duty of filling once upon a time. Byrd gave me my biggest blessing, Riesner, my darling son and heir. It was hard to watch Byrd in battle, whenever I would glance over at her my heart would being beating a million times faster than before. Byrd is a ferocious fighter and I have full faith in her and her abilities; she astounds me every step of the way, but I couldn't bare to see her getting attacked. I want to protect her at all costs, her and Riesner. I wish I could express the full extent of my love for them, but I don't think I will ever be able to.

Byrd is still sleeping and she's exhausted from yesterday, as she should be. I take care of Ries who is up and somehow manage to make him fall back to sleep. I have a meeting this morning with Tyden and Elianna in the boardroom I have to attend so I write Byrd a little love note explaining my plans for the day and add some marveling at her and her magnificence as a queen here and there. I lay it on the table and quietly tip toe out. I place two trusted guard outside the door of our chambers to protect them in my absence and head to the boardroom.

Tyden and Elianna are waiting for me when I walk in. "Hello. Sorry if I kept you two waiting." I apologize and take my seat at the head of the table, each of them at my side.

"Not a problem at all." Tyden nods.

"So I know you both talked to your people who have fled here; did you get any new information? Some of your spies arrived-any word from them too? Do you know the specifics now?"

"The man who overtook our kingdom his name is Belmont Craylle--Valdus's nephew. He wants what he believes is his rightful claim to the throne. His army is large and strong--but not that strong, especially not after last night's attack. He has completely taken over my people--they can't defend themselves against the magic. Belmont has plans to rule just as his uncle." Harking leans on the table propping himself up with his elbows.

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