Chapter 46

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Ever since Hollis's birth I've been in so much pain, pushing him out was one of the hardest most excruciating things I've ever had to do in my life. I want to go to the East and support my friend and step-brother, but since Raidyn asked me if I'm okay for travel--my answer would be yes but some maternal part of me just wants to stay home rest and take care of my boys while Raidyn goes on this trip. Another part of me is scared, I can barely move let alone fight to protect myself and others if it comes to it. My boys means everything to me and I will protect them at all cost--I don't want anything happening to either of them. This entire week I've just wanted to spend with them in bed.

A few days have past since the boardroom meeting and Bren and Flora have both left to prep for their reception. Elianna and Harking, Astrid and Finn are all staying until the day to leave for the East. I take it they're all traveling together.

Riesner slept through the night completely, but Hollis didn't. Raidyn got up a few times and then when he came back to bed I was seemingly wide awake. I wrap my arms around him and pull him close to me. I kiss him gently, I craved his affection and not being able to be passionate and lustful with him is killing me, but then again I'm in such pain I can't even imagine having sex again for awhile. Just wanting to be close to him I trail my lips down to his neck and give him little love bites, I feel terrible if I'm leading him on or even turning him on, but I just want to be physical in some sense and it's been over a week.

"You know I forgot to tell you, my father sent me a letter. I got it yesterday afternoon." I sigh and push his thick black hair out of his face tucking it behind his ears.

"How could you forget to tell me anything like that? That's really important Byrd. What did it say?" His eyes are flashing with light as he peers over at me.

"I'm sorry the baby started to cry and my focus went to him." I pull back from him. I grab the letter in the drawer of my tableside and I read it to him.


Congratulations on your new son of storm powers. Hopefully he is not as strong as the monstrosity you call a husband. My beautiful wife is about seven months along and looks like she is going to pop any day, a boy, a son--he will be the pride of my life. Anyways, I hear you chose the name Hollis, after your mother's father all I can say is why? Two terrible names you've picked out, really. I hope to pay you a visit real soon.

Your Dearest Dad

I set the letter and look over at Raidyn awaiting his reaction.

"We are not visiting him ever. He tried to kill you and our sons."

"Of course were not visiting him, but if he shows up here..."

"I am the king of this kingdom, not him. If he shows up here I will not tolerate it."

"You mean you'll kill him?" I look down at my fingernails which I am playing with.

"I wouldn't be so rash and I know of your feelings. I would do what is necessary to get him to leave though. My people hate him and all he does is endanger them."

I frown and pull the bed cover more over me. "You think I'm crazy for feeling this way." Not a question.

"I never said that."

"But you think it?"

"No. I think that getting your memories back in full ruined your true perception of the man."

"All I ever wanted was a family." I sigh.

"You have an abundance of siblings, me, our children. I think you have a family without him."

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