Chapter 48

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The whole ordeal with Cal and Duck had my head spinning, it's been two weeks since Duck's return and Cal has been relentless still. It made me feel terrible for Raven, she's so confused and she's fighting with herself--she loves them both.

Raidyn and I decided to spend most of today inside our chambers with our boys. When we went into the nursery Raidyn went to pick up Hollis and Ries looked straight up at Raidyn and said, "Da-Da." It was pretty pathetic. So, naturally Raidyn couldn't deny that precious face and he picked up Ries leaving Hollis to blubber--but then I picked up Hollis and he remained quiet in my arms. Hollis seems to be the better behaved of the two, Hollis with all his energy seems very calm when he is being held, put him in his crib while he's awake and forget being calm. They're both two very needy babies, but I hardly mind.

Raidyn sits on the ground and helps Ries learn to walk, he still isn't there, but then again he's around eight months old and they don't walk until nine or later. Although...Ries is pretty big for his age, he has definitely surpassed Katsa in milestones and she is about ten months old. I hold Hollis and rock him in my arms as I watch the two of them. Riesner looks so happy just getting attention from his father. He uses his arm strength to push down on Raidyn's hands that are holding his and he starts to jump and laugh, sometimes his feet don't catch the landing and he falls, but Raidyn bounces him back up and he continues to smile and giggle. I chuckle along watching the beautiful sight.

Hollis starts to become fussy and I know he wants to be fed. "Is Riesner hungry?" I look down at Raidyn still playing with the jumping baby on the floor below me. Soon I realize something and I hold out Hollis to analyze him as he pouts his lip. I bring his body closer to mine and quickly pull away. "Nevermind, you just need a diaper change."

Raidyn chuckles as I cringe. "I think Riesner is having a ball right now and probably will want to be fed in like five minutes when he's all pooped out."

I walk over to the changing table and set Hollis down. I back over my shoulder to smile at Raidyn. "Little man is having the time of his life with you." I return my attention back to the infant and I kiss his stomach and blow raspberries.

"I could say the same about Hollis."

"He loves being with momma." I smile down at my blue eyed baby. "Can you believe he is a month old already?"

Raidyn shakes his head. "I don't believe it for a minute. Time goes by too fast."

"I forgot to tell you some good news!" I smile remembering something from this morning. "I got a letter this morning from Astrid and Finn."


"And they're having twins!" I clap my hands together excited for my best friend and brother. "Also Raphael should be arriving in the kingdom by tomorrow, he wants to see you and I, and his nephews."

"They are! That is great news. I am overjoyed for the Western Kingdom." Raidyn grins. "I think Raph should stay for a couple months, I think we should get his father's permission."

"We're going to be an aunt and uncle!" I say still excited over the news. "I would love that, I can write to his father tonight."

"Aren't we kind of already that to Katsa?" He tilts his head.

"She isn't blood, Elianna is just my step-sister because my father is an idiot."

Raidyn nods. "It's confusing. I guess we are her step-aunt and step-uncle."

"Still too confusing." I shake my head. "I only consider Finn, Raph, and Raven blood siblings for us."

"Because they are only blood. Although, Raven is the only full."

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