Chapter 28

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Running after Raven was always a specialty of mine when we were little. After shooing Byrd and Cal away to get on with their training, I had to catch up with her to make sure she was okay. It reminded me of those old times when we were children, carelessly running in the back castle grounds. When we were younger, I think that was the most freeing thing to do. Tag was always one of Raven's personal favorites. This time the circumstances weren't as happy, but I had to do it, it's my job as her big brother.

I finally catch up out of breath from sprinting to make up for the time I lost saying goodbye to Byrd. "Come hang with me and Ries?" I offer Raven, she's still shaking.

She wipes her nose with her sleeve. "You really want me to?" She sniffles.

"You know, I don't, but your nephew misses you." I give Raven a quirky smile.

It actually puts a smile on her face. "I miss him too."

"Then come see Prince Chubby Cheeks." I chuckle and lead us both to my chambers where we dismiss the babysitter who hands the baby to Raven who is eager to hold him.

I watch as Raven focuses on Ries and he stares back at her.

"He loves you, Raven." I say gently.

"I love you so much, Riesner." She kisses him softly and then holds him close to her. She still looks emotional. "Why did this happen, Raidyn?"

I take a deep breath before answering. "With Duck?"

She's silent for a moment. "With Duck, with Cal..." Ravens voice trails and she returns her focus to rocking Ries.

"Mom probably had the same problem with plentiful suitors." I weakly smile. "It'll all work itself out Raven. You know I can always make it if it doesn't."

She chuckles lightly. "You know, I always loved having you for a big brother."

"I think he fell asleep." I whisper. "But I love you too, Raven. It's still a shock that you're even here right now."

She smiles and sways side to side. "It's good to be home." She pauses and stares out the window stopping her motions.

"What's the big debate about?" I say louder than I normally would and interrupt her from whatever thoughts.

"Hmm?" She turns to face me. "Oh, he's just saying Byrd's training is boring."

"I think we should send him off then. What do you think?" I question her and study her for her response.

"You mean out of the castle?"

"I mean, on his mission to find Conroy." I'm a bit shocked to see just how good of a distraction Cal is to Raven.

"Oh right." Raven shakes her head. "Yeah, maybe." She still seems distracted.

"I'm guessing he's only going to report back to you then?"

"I guess so." She rubs Ries's back. "I seem to be the only one getting his mind messages."

"Well, he has the option to send to other people. I received one as a mistake." I chuckle.

"Yes, but only I get them." She says with almost jealousy laced in her voice.

"Did you and Duck ever go through the book of powers that's in the library? I bet you never expected to be on the other side of a man with the ability to talk to your thoughts."

"I think we read it, most of the books we read in the library we never ended up finishing." She chuckles nervously. Then she frowns remembering the thought of Duck.

The Central Kingdom (Book 3)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin