Chapter 9

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I finish putting on my favorite white gold, black diamond earrings that Raidyn bought me as I yell at him to ask him if he's ready yet. He appears out of the bathing room in a towel--not ready at all.

"Riesner's christening is in an hour, you're going to make us late." I frown as I pick up Ries from his crib and put his blanket near his cheek.

"It only takes me a minute to change. Don't fret, my queen, I'll be lightning fast." He smiles as he sends a flash down his veins.

Everyone came to see Riesner's christening, my father and Mylene are invited, Raphael and his father came, Finn and Astrid, Bren stayed, Elianna, Harking and their princess arrived and everyone from our kingdom is attending. A special and joyous occasion to celebrate the new Prince of the Central Kingdom.

Riesner is nearly two months old, he's getting bigger and bigger everyday and he is the light of my life. I didn't think I could fall so in love with something or rather someone so quick. A son, to share with the love of my life--I look into his beautiful green eyes and I watch him smile at me. He is happy when he is picked up, fussy when none of the attention is on him. I bring my lips gently to his chubby cheeks. Gods I didn't think I could ever be so happy in my life. I look over at Raidyn who is nearly finished getting ready.

"Put your hair up in a bun." I comment. I had left my auburn hair long, the length now touches my butt since I haven't bothered to trim or cut it since before I met Raidyn. I'm wearing the crown I wore for my wedding; the white gold with black diamonds--it matches my earrings and engagement ring. I put on one of my nicer black dresses that is fitted at the top with lace sleeves and a plunging neckline. The gown then flows down at my hips and touches the floor. The bottom is laced with silver beading.

Raidyn and I head down to the ballroom where everyone has been waiting for our appearance. The minister who married us is also performing the christening. Astrid and Harking come up to us happily; the godparents of Ries--our most trusted friends. We walk to the front of the ballroom where everyone's eyes fixate to us, the ceremony is beginning.

The priest starts off with a prayer which we all repeat after him. The entire ceremony is beautiful and to watch my son being blessed and the crowd of our people cheering fills my heart with so much joy. Prince Riesner Veldhashalm Rastifen. I was the one to suggest Veldhashalm as his middle name, I want to accept my roots and where I came from. It is apart of me no matter how much I deny that part. My past to me is meaningless--I like to forget it as much as possible, another reason why I hate celebrating my birthday. I don't find a point, I never have why start now? I need to learn to accept my past and I want to Ries to know who I was; who I am. I am his mother and my name is Luscinia Veldhashalm.

Astrid looked so happy holding Ries as the minister pours the holy water on his head. Ries makes a whining noise and Astrid automatically shushes him soothingly and I watch as he clings onto her, a smile grows on my face. Harking is next to hold Ries as he is declared Godfather, Harking whose first name is Tyden, is one of Raidyn's best friends--Bren is the oldest but Harking is Raidyn's trusted and closest friend and there for him while he went through a tough time after losing his parents and Raven. Bren is just reckless. Elianna and Tyden are a beautiful couple and I'm glad to call them our friends--our allies. Especially since their beautiful princess is to be friends with our prince.

The ceremony comes to a close, but the after party is just beginning as music starts to play. Where the ceremony was held it suddenly turns into a dance floor as all the couples make their way. A celebration for my little boy. I kiss his damp head. My father and Mylene are the first to come up to us.

"Luscinia, congratulations. He truly is beautiful." Cynric smiles genuinely. "The ceremony was wonderful."

"Thank you, father." I smile back at him.

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