Chapter 23

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A few days passed before Bren was released from the infirmary still irritated at everyone. He even requested his own room apart from Flora which she refused to give him; all she had to do was kiss his neck and he crossed his arms and pouted--but it certainly shut his mouth.

"How can you stand him? He's a pompous ass." I roll my eyes to Flora who is sitting across from me at the kitchen table. I hold Ries in my arms, his hair is put up in a ponytail that is sticking straight up. "He's been nonstop complaining since he's been hit."

"He's going through a rough time, but I love him. I'm not just going to leave him while he's down." She says slightly offended.

I sigh. "I know, I know. I just still can't stand him--I don't know what I ever did to deserve the way he treats me."

"I don't understand the way Bren sees things sometimes myself." Flora sighs back.

"He's messed up." I state. Riesner fusses in my arms and I kiss him. "Raidyn wanted to cut his hair--but I skipped the appointment we had." I play with his ponytail.

"Why? Why do you do things like that? Can't you just do what you're supposed to?" Flora snaps and rubs at her forehead in frustration.

I jerk my head back. "What is wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry. It's just annoying to see you constantly creating problems for yourself. You're worse than Bren."

"I'll book the appointment back then." I say plainly and look away from her.

Flora nods. "People just seem to sabotage themselves. You know he needs a haircut. It's going to fall in his face and eyes soon."

"Okay Flora." I getting annoyed with her.

"I'm sorry, Byrd. I know I'm not being fair to you, but the last thing either of us need is for you and Raidyn to start having problems now."

"Now?" I raise my eyebrow. "Why does 'now' matter?"

"Because I have to deal with Bren's shit. I don't think I can deal with my King and Queen- my friends, arguing too."

I raise both my eyebrows and pick at the food on my plate. "Well initially I wanted to have breakfast to tell you I'm pregnant again, but..."

"You are? This is good news right, you both are excited?"

"Of course we're both excited, we want a lot of them."

"That's so great then! I guess it does make sense for you two to be the next pregnant. I just expected for Astrid to be next."

I frown. "I know, I was really hoping she would've been."

"Her time will come. As will Raven's and I'm sure Elianna's will again."

"And you." I look at her blankly.

"Probably not in the cards for me." She blinks.

"I wouldn't say that." I sigh.

"There's a reason why Bren and I aren't married. If I'm supposed to be with him, I don't think marriage or kids is in the cards. I'll just be Spinster Aunt Flora." She shakes her head.

I chuckle. "You could easily marry Bren, it's just you who is holding you back. You keep making excuses for yourself."

"You hate Bren, yet you tell me to marry him?"

"Because you love Bren and your happiness is important to me."

"And you think I would be happy married to a man like that?" She furrows her eyebrows.

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