Chapter 54

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"No I did not see this, the last vision I had was..." Astrid cuts herself off and I'm glad she did. Her last vision was my pregnancy and it's the last thing I want to think about right now. "Congratulations Raven!"

"I thought for sure you were going to choose Cal, but I'm glad you and Duck worked things out. I'm happy for you, Raven." I smile remembering Raidyn told me he saw her and Duck making out earlier this morning.

"No-I, I chose Cal." Raven nervously looks over at Raidyn and then back at her plate to twirl her fork. "I told Duck the news this morning."

"Oh." My eyes widen. "That's, uhm, my mistake then. Congratulations on your choosing then." I say my face red as I return to my food silencing myself.

"Cal? My Cal? I mean my neighbour Cal?" Flora asks stunned.

"That's the one." Raven blushes.

"Did you guys hear how they broke every single window in the castle?" Raidyn teases.

I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing so hard.

"Raven," Bren smirks. "Who knew you had it in you?"

"You did what?" Flora nearly chokes on her food.

"It was our first time and it was window breaking...what can I say?" Raven says timidly. "I think I lost my mind I mean I'm knocked up now because of it."

"You'll make a fine mother." I say smiling weakly at her.

"Hopefully I can be half the mother you are, Byrd." Raven smiles at me.

My eyes widen and I almost feel as if I'm going to cry as my eyes start to burn. "You will be." I say with certainty. "You're a wonderful aunt already."

"Enough of the sap, I'm going to puke." Bren groans.

I flick some water at him and roll my eyes. "That's what we say wherever you and Flora get going."

"We aren't sappy, we're steamy." Bren snaps.

"Either way it makes us all want to puke." I plop food in my mouth.

"Can we not say puke anymore?" Astrid says nervously, "I don't want to think about it while trying to eat for three."

"Right." I blush. "Sorry, Astrid."

"Moving on, now that the men are here, I think they kind of killed the fun. When are you going to come visit me, Byrd?" Flora cuts in.

I look over at Raidyn and shrug my shoulders. "I'm not sure, I have a lot to deal with with my father now. He's going to pay for what he did and I'm going to make sure of it."

"I like the spirit!" Flora smiles. "If you ever find yourself needing to get away you can always stay with me."

"Or me." Astrid adds.

"I've noticed the extra security around here. What is the plan going forward?" Raven asks glancing at Raidyn and I.

"We kill him." I say digging at my plate. "That's the plan." My blood starts to steam.

"Oh..." Raven trails.

Raidyn clears his throat. "I am planning my first attack sometime after the scholar convention. We need to secure allies on this land first."

I nod my head. "I just want to slice his throat." I mumble. I look up at all there faces and have no remorse.

"Looks like we'll have a club co-president soon." Bren remarks to Raidyn referring to the killed a parent club.

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